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Cheesepuffs (check out the links) — Profile

Name:  Angel

E-mail:  IM at: w1th 0ut a hal0
Location:  Wouldn't you like to Know??
Birthday:  7 February, 1988
Bio:  Ello!!!! ok Well umm... im angel and here's my story: i seem to have gotten bored one day so i decide to log on and signup at So Yea ne wayz i luv jus bout everythang and thats bout all bout me. = )
Interests:  Stuff is kewl. I like Stuff. Stuff likes me(hopefully). Stuff is great because it likes Every1.
Blog Created:  Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Last Updated:  Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 11:50 AM PST
Blog Entries:  4

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