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The Uhlmann Project - An exercise in media bias

The Uhlmann project - an exercise in media bias Site last updated 12 December 2004; 19:57 GMT

      Welcome to my homepage. This site is devoted to an exercise in examining media bias, and I also use it to present my own take on a few things. Last year upon reading the news one day,(I now forget the source) I found out that Canadians who relied on CNN as their news source were three times as likely to support the war in Iraq as those who looked to CBC. On this site, I will post short essays on the bias of 3 media sources on a particular political issue or news event. Given that they each have a story on the topic at hand, the sources that I will use will be the CNN, CBC, and Al-Jazeera websites. If all three are not covering the issue, I will replace them with sources which do have coverage, and I will try to replace them with typically similar-minded sources (i.e. I'll replace CNN with the National Post on domestic Canadian issues as they are both typically right-wing) I will also occasionally write articles expressing my own viewpoint on issues. You can see in the link whether an article is about media bias or is expressing my own viewpoint.


Got comments? Tell me!get this gear!


Viewpoint - Federal gun registry - 12 December
Media bias - Violence in Iraq - 12 December
Media bias - Bernard Kerik's withdrawal - 11 December
Viewpoint - Gay Marriage - 10 December
Links to news sources

Different forms of media bias: