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Obessive Productions
Andy Snyder Eric Logan Josh Peterson Matt Nielsen Jake Knapp

Magnum Opus

Welcome to the Magnum Opus website. The purpose of this site is threefold:
1. Promote our video, Magnum Opus
2. Promote the crew, who skates in Magnum Opus
3. Most importantly, promote the shop that will carry our video, Magnum Opus.

The site, which is about Magnum Opus, if we haven't specified that yet, is still under construction. Expect updates to appear spontaneously sporadic throughout the development process of our video, Magnum Opus.

To correctly understand the site, the pages of each person is on the top header. The bottom header, aside from the copyright to the different material within this site, also states when the page has last been updated, with a very brief comment stating which section has been updated. A more detailed update info can be found within said section. If, for any reason, you wish to come back to this page, click the penguin.

Best viewed with a resolution of at least 800x600, anything less means you're probably still on windows 95, and you should be shot anyways.


©20?? Obsessive Productions Main Page Updated: January 07, 2005 | New Layout | All Profiles |