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My name is Cris Beaty. I am from Jamestown, TN. I am coming to tech to study. Wildlife Biology. This is my major because I like to be in the  outdoors. Wildlife is one of the things I really like to be around. I like fish, too, but not as much as wildlife. I would like to get a job as a park ranger or as a hunting guide. I don't really want to move far away from Jamestown but I know I would have to, to become a hunting guide. I looked at many other majors but I can't see being a teacher or something like that. I don't like school so teaching wouldn't be for me. Instead, doing something that I like would make life easier for me, I think. I wrote another email but I don't know if I sent it the right way so I wrote another one.


                                                                                See ya,

                                                                           Cris Beaty