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Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds(1984)

"Nauisca,was a Phonician princess in The Odyssey.I have
been fascinated by her ever since I first read about her
in Bernad Evslin's Japanese translation of a small
dictionary of Greek Mythology......"

This is a webpage for the anime movie Kaze no Tani no Naushika
(English name: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind), and the manga
series it is based on, of the same name. Naushika is about a dying
world a millennium after a huge global war which wiped out most of
humanity,aside from a few pockets of civilization across the globe.
Because of the horrible war, there is a thick poisonous jungle
called the Sea of Corruption covering most of the surface of
the planet, which contains mutated races of giant insects.
One of the pockets that is protected from this jungle is the
Valley of the Wind. It's a small lush valley tucked between
the mountains and the ocean with a constant flow of sea
air, keeping them free from the poisonous fumes. But
soon the peace they enjoy is upset when a Torumekian
transport ship crashes in their valley, depositing a
horrible cargo which threatens all life on Earth. What
follows is an incredible tale, underscoring the impor-
tance of ecological awareness and human compa-
ssion. The star of the story and the hope of the
survival of the planet Earth, for both insects
and humans alike, rests on Naushika, the
princess of the Valley of the Wind.