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Please answer all questions below.  Some questions are in form of multi-choice, where this is the case, click on the option circle to the left of the form.  Upon completion please click the submit button located at the bottom of the page.


 Qu1:    In the spaces provided please state a candle colour which could be used the ritual stated to the left of the box.



Oval: 5






Qu2:    Please fill in the missing gaps in the spaces provided.

Hel is the daughter of    and a frost giantess, Hel was banished by Odin to the netherworld, which took its name, , from her. In her hall, Eljudnir, she ruled over those who had died of sickness, old age, or capital punishment. While in her realm, Hel's power was such that she could defy other gods, including Odin. She was described as having half the body of a and the other half a . Her throne was known as the sick bed. Christians later adopted Hel and her domain of unending suffering as the name of their destination for the damned.Oval: 4



Qu3:    What is the name of this rune?


Oval: 3



ii)    What category is this rune under?                              

iii)    How many runes are under this category?               



Qu4:    Name 6 herbs which are associated with protection?

  1. Oval: 6

Oval: 8


Qu5:    Which of the following is the '2nd pentacle of Mars'?





ii)    Which of the above (a, b, c, d or e) is the '4th Pentacle of Mercury'    

iii)   Which of the above (a, b, c, d or e) does the following description apply to?


                                    'gain understanding and knowledge of all things created, and to seek out and penetrate into hidden things'.




Qu6:    What does the following tarot card represent:Oval: 2

  1. material success and the achievement of goals, fulfillment in the simple life.                                                    
  2. represents pessimism, doubt and obstinacy.                                                                                                 
  3. force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.                                                                      
  4. quiet, solitary pursuit of inner knowledge.                                                                                                       
  5. power of your character, spiritual power defeating material desires and love over hate.                                        


Oval: 2

Qu7:    Which ancient alphabet is used in the following:



Oval: 10

Qu8:    Plane and write a suitable ritual of protection.  Please include anything that the ritual requires (e.g. candles - what colour)