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My photo and weight site
My photo and weight site
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My family
My family 
Am writing here today in hopes that I can get help with my struggles in weight lose. I am a 39 year old woman and have been having weight problems For many years now; I just can’t get off the roller coaster ride of losing weight. I had tried everything from Weight Watchers to going to the Gym and taking Diet pills, Diet herbs, walking, and what ever else that came along. I don’t have a lot of problems losing weight, its keeping it off! For the last year now or so, it had gotten harder to loss weight, because I had a lot of deaths in the family; I was just doing fine with my weight loss program, until My mother died with colane cancer, I regained the weight, after a short few years later, I was doing fine with my program, and then My dad died, with heart disease, I regained the weight back and then some. My cat Baby died with heart disease, I don’t have any children so my cats are my kids. I got back on my weight loss program and it was at my best yet!! (Guess what)? My sister only son had died at age 20 in a really bad car wrack, I just gave up on every thing and started to regain everything back - until (Well you guess it), my dearest brother Tony at age 50, had died in the hospital with liver disease. I moved from Ar. right after his death, casing me to go in to a deep depression and started to eat allot, cried allot, and being lazy and tired more so then ever before. My body aces, can’t sleep well or I can’t even sleep at all; I have trouble tossing and turning though the night.