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Animal Rights

For as long as most of us can remember, animal cruelty has been somewhat, exercised. If you asked a family member for example, your mother, I expect she would tell you she is quite against it. Though many people are against this harsh and uncalled for act, it is still being done. What can we do to help stop this? There are a number of different organizations, that put themselves out for this cause. You may not be able to help in big ways for example risking your life and others around you to go up against poachers, but the little things help as well. Below is a list of such organizations, they have programs in which you can help animals in a fun way, no matter what you age and with out puttng you out. They also have free fact sheets and starter packs to help you, become a vegetarian or bring down a local company that you know is abusing animals and much, much, more. Animal cruelty has to stop now and together we can stop it. If you have any information on animal cruelty, for example you know of a company that is exercising this act, you are very welcome to e-mail me or the Peta team, their e-mail is on the link to Peta2, click "talk to us" and then off you go. Remember who recomened you to their life saving website, Natasha (kity). And if for some reason you are still doubtful, let me remind you. Just because animals are smaller than us and can't comunicate with us as well as some of us would like them to, or because some of them have to kill other animals to survive, we do NOT, by any means give us the right to abuse them.
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Peta2-Organization to STOP animal cruelty
Peta-Organization to STOP animal cruelty
Iams-How Iams abuse animals and how to stop them
PetCo-How PetCo abuse animals and how to stop them
Caring Consumer-How you can have it all with out harming animals
Cows Are Cool-Another site from Peta on how to save animals
Milk Sucks-The dangers of milk
KFC-See how the chickens like it
Peta Literature-More information on animal cruelty and animal rights
Stop Animal Tests-Information on animal tests and how to stop them
Save The Sheep-Exactly what the name says
