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Hello there. I am a non-working mother, and Married to Zane/ Brock. I have two children, Draco and Mia. I am an angel and I am able to hid my wings and halo till I need to use them. I live the normal life and I love my children. I may not be very good at helping but if you give me a chance then I will help.

Hello there I am here to ask you to make a short pray tonight in your time you may have. Find it in your hearts to pray for those that are fighting and dieing... please people we are there hope, give a pray to those that you know are out there and for those you dont. Cause they are childern still some older yes I know, but still they are young and they can still live their life... please give something to show you care. For a life is a great thing and we only get please do something even if its as small as a pray.




a gift