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Song of the day!


Im gonna put todays news here!


Mon DayDo something one(mono means one)
Tues Daycut your tues
Weds Day Have a WEDding
Thursdayget your fire ready for tomororw


its 11:40 pm. Tonight was fun. Tom,Givi,Me,Anne,Moo,and Ashley went to see Austin Powers. Pretty funny. Jason is in Somers Point NJ.He will be home by 2 tommorow, and joe is as usual down the shore, But Bre is down with him....wonder what there doing lol. Well thats abou it. O btw, jason redid the girls pictures part of the site. Each girl has her own link now.


its 8:41pm. Well tonight me,jason,tom,and max went for a bike ride back along the train tracks. We rode all the way from around toms house down to just after red lion rd by wings to go. It was fun. Jason's bike isn't to good on rough terain so he had a few problems. And max's seat kept moving so he had to keep stoping. We didn't see any thing to interesting....In other news givi went out with Liz, Erica, and Bill tonight. I think they went to the skate park at Franklin Mills Mall. Well thats all for tonight....


its 10:00 pm. Well tonight was interesting. Joe wanted to have people over and he forgot to tell jason to tell everyone. So me and jason got there and it was only me him joe and bre. So me and jason decided to ride to ashleys to say hi. After much argument tough becasue i really didn't wanna go so jason made a big scence in the middle of the street yelling "your toying with my heart nolan"! it was funny. But we ended up going. We stayed for a few minutes. Then we went back to see what joe and bre were doing. But they weren't there so we went to joes waterice to see if they were there. They were, so we all had some waterice. Then i went home


its 12:09 pm. they want to make me got ot the dentist to get cealents nooooooooo. they taste like a dead penis =(


shall we begin again? i think im gonna fix this nigga up ya mean? im gonna get everythjing together and me and nolan are gonna revamp the whole thing. make it look pretty eh? and those links on the syde? there kinda gay, im gonna replace them with buttons! ooooooooooo buttons yummy. ALSO, as sum of you know, i went to virgina! how ga-- cool is that?! very! want to see some pictures? i know you do! so here!


WHEEEE ok, id like to introduce everyoe t the new webpage layout! how do you like it! i i love it and it took m forever to do. so hmmm what happned today, well a huge shootout was stopped by the po po. go po po! ooook, anyway, im ading pic of mustafo to the art page, guys, send me some art, lets get this thig rollin again, and remember, its jus washington, YO


guys. i m bored. i have nothing to do. someone help me please. im so bored ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so im just gonna wirte stupid things, maybe ill tkae a nap? does anyone actually read what i put on this page anyay? john jorge vagorna.