That Band Interview

Derry-rock says: Well cheers to christy from "that band" for agreeing to do this interview with derry rock. Its much appreciated. says: no problem man, its cool, this is my first interview, so its great! lol

Derry-rock says: good stuff. Well first and foremost. Its great to know a new derry band whos sound will be punk and who are doing originals. Was that a concious decision from the start? to do punk originals? says: yeah definetely, i mean like cover bands are all good an all an theyre are soem great ones out ther elike rocky 6 an people like but, we just thought that we would want to put our own stuff out there to see what people think of what we can do not some band thousand of miles away who are all over mtv an shit like that

Derry-rock says: very nice. So tell all the derry rock folk about what original work has been completed so far... says: well right now we are still writing alot of what we will be our set and our EP which should be out before october. Some songs we got wrote like this one called 'evil girl' got nice melodies and nice bouncy kinda rhythm to get people moving like, and we got a couple more one's that are more powerful and quick. We are just interested with writng songs that are catchy and will stick with people so far we got 7 songs wrote so far!

Derry-rock says: Sounds really great. Your my most anticpated band at the minute. What can we expect from a live set? says: cool man thanks. this kind a buzz is gettin all us really excited bout playing a gig. We feel a live show is the most important part of our band, just expect a really explosive live show and alot of mayhem, we think that gettin the crowd involved is really important alot of bands i think dont interact with the crowd enough.the buzz we will get from the crowd will just force us to give it more!

Derry-rock says: i share the same opinion. Of course people may remember you from B.y.o.c. Whats the differnce between these two bands? says: this one's not shit! lol. Naw well with BYOc a learnt a whole lot about playin and writing, my song writin has came on a good bit snce then, and now we have a band who are all involved and all want the same goals,gav's was a great bassist like but he wasnt interested in the same things as the rest of us, an now he's in another really cool band fozzy somethin or rather! Just overall im more happier ..... with this band, we are alot maturer and dedicated

Derry-rock says: Sounds promising. and i believe its "fuzzy*logic". Who arent actually all that bad. So can we expect a bit of rivalry? says: naw no way, lol. we just do it for ourselves and people who like us. like who gives a fuck what they can do? they only play covers anyhow so it would be a bit hard to compare us to them.And anyhow the singer just wants to be tom de longe! get over it, lol, he's way cooler than you! lol

Derry-rock says: Haha! excellent. Inter band conflict. I like very much. Yeah he does try too hard to be him. Whens the first gig? and what do you think of the derry scene? says: We are currently in the process of booking gigs right now for around mid july, bands we should be playin with are, the excellent traffic episode, skruff and p45. I think that derry's scene is gettin way better recently for a while it was basically non existent!lol,now with sites like your its got real potential to grow, it hink a big problem derry has though is that alot of people are tow narrow minded and wont give some bands a chance, and help them out or anyhting. unitl derry gets over that its just really gonna limit the growht of a scen. But form what i can see its gettin better!

Derry-rock says: Yea i get what your saying. above all from what ive seen, its like every band is all for itself. Where as im all for making a scene. says: yeah likewise for me, and the rest of my band, we would help bands out in anyway we could if they just asked.

Derry-rock says: So what bands are you fans of in the scene? says: im a big fan of Skruff not just casue they are my mates but they have really defined their own sound. I alos like bands like last exit, aymyguicyie (cant spell that), and im really looking forward to hearin the traffic episode who i hve heard really kick ass! I like the Spanker weed merchants too, i think their bassist is great, lol!

Derry-rock says: Haha. There is quite a few good bands on the scene. Whats gonna make that band stand out? says: basically, i think our live show, and our dedication to makin things work out. hopefully people will be able to enjoy and relate to our songs as well ! We show a great deal of appreciation for anyone who is willing to support our band,

Derry-rock says: Rocktastic. Hopefully see you guys this summer. and play with you all....yes... finally, what do you want to say to the people? says: support your local scene, and this site, and use protection!

Derry-rock says: haha nice. Its obvious you dont get sex christy..... i should know, we can smell our own says: lol

Derry-rock says: Thank you for the interview christy. Much appreciated buddy says: naw thank you man, for takin interest in us, a good luck with the site and everything your hoping to do!
