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 DVD News

Disney discontinues 'Platinum Edition' DVD line; Hellboy and Madison announced
May 6, 2004 - Luke, Photo
Eisner Sucks- 12:50am

In another of what seems to be a string of extremely disappointing announcements from Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Disney has apparently discontinued their "Plainum Edition" line of DVDs, which was promised to bring ten of their animated classics to DVD before 2007. Classics that were already released as a part of this line included Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Lion King. Michael Eisner has issued a statement saying that all titles planned for the Platinum Edition schedule from 2005 onward will now be pushed back for release 2 years after the premiere of HD-DVD. This excludes Aladdin, which has already been announced for this October. Instead of being issued under its original Platinum label, it will now carry a "2-Disc Limited Collector's Special Edition" banner. Reportedly, the CEO is even considering discontinuing 2-Disc sets come January 2005.

After the fiasco with the Virtual Wonderland Party feature on the Alice in Wonderland DVD, released in January, Buena Vista and Einster have continually undergone bad publicity, further fueled by major theatrical bombs such as Billy Bob Thorton's The Alamo. It looks to continue as the company delves further into what looks to be a non-promising year. Watch this space for more details to come...

Raise Some 'Hell' - 12:50am

Just in from Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment is the 2-Disc special edition release of Gourilla del Toro's Hellboy on July 27th. Specs have not yet been announced, but expect plenty of extras and a list price of $27.95.

From Universal Studios comes word of their first 3-Disc special edition in the form of the Adam Sandler comedy Billy Madison on September 21. Expect an audio commentary with Sandler and director Tamra Davis, deleted scenes, making-of featurettes, a dog poo game, and much more. List price is a meager $19.99. Further specs to come...

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