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We want to have a lot of fun this year! To keep everyone informed, both girls and their families, we have designed this website. Check back regularly for updates. This will help keep the cost down for mailing information out to everyone.

Our goal for Troop 4043 is to provide opportunities for girls to have FUN! We will be working on badges & try-its, going on field trips and engaging in community service projects.

The First Meeting of the Year will be September 16, 2004!
We will meet at the Congregational Church in the center of town at 6:00 pm. We will be meeting on the 2nd floor in Room 8. Please be sure to pick your Brownie up promptly at 7:15 pm. During our first meeting, we will begin working on our Girl Scout Ways Try-it Badge by making Sit-Upons. These are especially important for those who will be going to the Camporee on September 25. Even if your are not attending Camporee in September, the sit-upons will help fulfill the first requirement for our GS Ways Badge.

There are so many important things to tell you. For important information about our troop, click the Parent Newletter!

Want to stay on top of the things we are doing? September Calendar.

September 25, 2004

Camporee is going to be a lot of fun! To be sure that you don't forget anything Camporee Checklist.

Permission Slips

·Be sure your signed Permission Slip has been turned into Bonnie or Cheryl. Any girl without a slip cannot attend the event…. And we don’t want anyone to miss the fun!

· If your Brownie is taking medication, you must sign the medication portion of the permission slip. **All medication should be in the original containers and given to the Troop Leader. Exceptions may be made for inhalers and epi pens. Please see Bonnie or Cheryl for specific information.


Dress appropriately! The weather in September is sometimes unpredictable.

Directions to Camporee

We can't make Troop 4043 a success without your help! Please consider volunteering your services or helping the girls earn a badge. We are all really busy, but if we all contribute a little bit of time, we will have a year full of fun & memories!

Helpful Information:
Uniform Placement
CT Trails Home Page
Permission Slip