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Pictures of me"04"
Old Pictures of me

Well, before I start talking I wanted to thank everyone who have been
coming to my site. Also I wanted to thank the people who have
given me ideas on what to put on my site, (You all know who you are).

So where should I start off at, Well first off, my name is Toni.
As of right now I live in West harrison, NY, and about to start
college on Oct 11th. I was born on Aug 28, 1985, in Phily, Pa. I grew
up there my hole life till I was 13, then I moved over here to NY. I have
a dog named sugar, I have had her since I was 8 years old (she is so cute)
I am right now living with my mom, though I do hope to move out sooner
or later(Need to save money up first). I have two jobs, on the Week
days I work at Toys R Us, and on the weekend I work at the New York
Ren-Fair, for a booth called Miles Tonne Leather. Toy's R Us is
a lot of fun to work at, I get to play with all the toys and ride the bikes around.
But no job can bet working at the New York ren-fair. I mean come on
I get to were leather all day, be outside all day long (though I do get very cold
when it is cold and raining out, and I get to meet a lot of different people
who work at the fair and if not people who just come to look around, I love it.

For fun, I like to draw and paint. I also love to sew and making new outfits
that just pop up in my head(or at lest try to make them). I love to dance and see
Plays. If I can, I aways try to see my favorite band when they come into New
York at lest two times. The type of music I listen to is Rock, Punk, Ska,
Metal, I like some hip hop (not much though), I also like dancing music. My favorite
band since 1998 has been the band Orgy, and yes I still love them. I love to party,
go to bars or clubs, and just have a good time chilling and meeting new people. Though
I love to party I do have a part of me that dosue like to just hang out alone
to think, and just listen to things around me. some of the other things that I like to do
for fun is that I also like to play a Live Action game called NERO! also know as Larping.