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Welcome to The [RaY] Clan Site







Home Of The [RaY]

Ok Our Site Was Down For A Couple Day's But Now He Is On-line Again And Still Kicking

This Is Our New Logo

*only GOD can jugde me now*

Most Clans Fall Apart After A Period Of Time, This Is Very Common Problem Among The Clans.
The Most Common Problem That Drives The Clan Members To Leave Is Decisions, People Not Happy With Decisions Being Made By The Clan Leader.
RaY Does NOT Have A Full Ruling Clan Leader, Why ? Because We Think Everything That Is Going To Be Decided Must Be Agreed With Every Clan Member Or At least We Have To Think About Each Other.
We Are Simply Living In World Where Everyone Has The Right To Say What They Think, So We Will Respect This From Everyone.
What We Do Not Respect And Will Not Accept Is Fighting Among Each Other, Conflicts Are Natural But Keep It In A Decent Amount.

Clan Name: Coming Not Disided Yet

Clan Tag: [RaY]

Founded In: Novembar 2003

Members: 12 Max.

Recruiting: Yes

Country: The Netherlands

Clan Server: Not Active Yet

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In Order To Keep Track Of Our Visitors We Give You The Opportunity To Write A Short Message, A Quick Hello Or A Compliment To Our Business. The Guestbook Can Be Used For Personal Messages, Comments, Suggestions Or Quick Hello's.

Feel Free To Leave A Message, You Can Also E-Mail Us For A Little More Important Issue's.

We Kindly Ask You NOT To Abuse This Service, We Do NOT Accept Any Dirty Language Or Disrespectful Messages, If So, They Will Be DELETED. The Guestbook Will Be Reviewed Every Day, So There Is No Use Of Doing So.

Greetz The [RaY] Clan



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