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The Strawberry Angel's Fountain of Youth

A site for those who may still be young at heart, though not in body

Welcome one and all!  Say hello to my first attempt to make a website!  Probably pretty badly made, but then I just wanted to get out here on the 'net.  Right, so what is this site?  Well, I can answer that question easily.  It is mostly a story site (see title) although if someone (or even more than one) who can draw would like to contribute pictures, I will gladly put them up with credit given and my personal thanks (I wish I could draw *sigh*).  The site deals with the innocent joy of becoming young again (and that could be physically, mentally, both, or simply a desire to take on certain characteristics of youth for happiness (aka wearing diapers)).  I may also add any musings or thoughts I may have.  Basically, that's it.  So, on with the site!

This is the main part of the site after all so it should go first.  I am begining with some of the stories I have started (none are finished as of yet).  Some of you may have read 'Forever a Child' on the DPF Teen forum.  That will be posted here.  The rest I have never posted anywhere.  Now, I will certainly put up any stories done by others.  Of course I will read them and see if they should be put up first.  Please e-mail me a story if you would like to.  Just make sure you follow the rules outlined in the 'story submition rules' section.  Enjoy!
Story submission rules
Stories by Strawberry Angel - My Stories (Updated 4/6/03)
Stories by Others - None yet!

Please submit your own drawings!  Anything related to this site!  I love art but I can't do it myself!  Ahhhh!

Things that I might feel like posting from time to time.  Things like my ratings on diapers, my feelings about anything and everything.  Stuff like that.
On to Randomness!

Lastly, you may want my e-mail.  Send all comments, stories, pictures, and randomness to

Thanks for stopping by!