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Special Events

The Reverend John Muller, Jr., Rector
The Reverend Stephen A. Wengrovious, Assistant Priest
The Reverend Robert L. Storch, Deacon
145 West 5th street-PO Box 724
Delta, Colorado 81416=0724
Church phone numbers: (970)874-9489 Rectory:(970)874-9308

Dear Newcomer,

This site was made with you in mind. We hope that it will help you gain a better picture of who we are, this portion of the Lord's Church at 5th and Palmer, Delta. We are made up of all sorts and conditions of people, and we hope this will show some of the ways and means by which we try to live the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in this place.

We are a body of about ninety people who are coming together to worship, to seek God's will and to care for each other and the world. one of the things our world desperately needs is a place where each of us can be accepted as we are and be challenged by the Lord to become what he intends us to be. That is something we intend to do at at St. Luke's.

We invite you to become a part of this family-sharing our Lord's love and knowing his Holy Spirit at work in us.