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I have been like this since I was four years old.

There are multiple reasons for homosexuality. If the above words apply to you, the enclosed answer will too. What you will read will take deep thought, concentration and application to life. Each section needs to be understood as it applies to life before you go on to the next section. Go slowly and understand before you move on. The information presented contains no religious or judgemental statements. Don't be afraid.

I will discuss:

*some stages of child development
*the speed of thought
*why the age of four is so significant
And other things.

As for me: I am by trade a behaviour specialist. I have a degree in Child Development, Special Education and Human Relations. I am well known in my area for my success in working with and understanding the most bizzare students.

In my personal life I am very analytical. I have to know "why" not "what" in everything.

The mind is fascinating and intriguing to me and makes perfect sense when understood.

I am offering this to you because there is pain out there and if someone wants freedom and I can provide it then it is only right that I do so.

There is a slight charge for the answer I am offering. The money pays for the website and hosting and brings a slight profit to me for my expertise.

It works like this:

You click on the "Buy Now" icon. You will be sent to the PayPal page. Pay $9.95 and a page will automatically pop up stating you have paid. It will have an Internet Address for you to click on or copy and paste. Your information is on that page. It will consist of about 2 pages of condensed information. What will be taught will be very intense and will take a bit of studying and application so you may want to print it. Feel free to do so.

Love and best wishes to you in your endeavor.