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by Anne Olsen

Author's notes: This was a writing exercise that insisted on developing a plot. After reading a few mpregs I had the urge to write one myself, just to see if I could 'pull it off'. Enter Hex and Bast. They fed the bunnies, egged me on and helped sort out a lot of the finer details such as setting, procreation, and the like. Therefore I blame them. :)

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing belongs to Bandai, Sunrise and Sotsu Agency. I promise to return the boys in one piece, more or less, when I'm finished, but hold no liability for any broken bones or psychological trauma sustained by them in my fiction.

Thanks: To Bast, Hex and Lorena for beta reading. Also to Anon, Windsor and Jessica for nagging me to post it. Thanks for the support, guys.

Comments to:

Chapter One

The sun was already high in the sky when Trowa woke. Careful not to disturb his sleeping lover, he stretched and slipped from the bed. Quatre rolled over to claim the spot he'd vacated, but didn't stir.

It wasn't surprising that Quatre was tired, considering what they'd been doing almost constantly for the past four days.

Now that Trowa finally had some time to himself, he had every intention of checking through his books. There must be something growing nearby that Quatre could have accidentally come in contact with which could be acting as a long-term aphrodisiac. Whatever it was, the effects had not been noticeable at first, apart from the fact that Quatre had been using any excuse possible to instigate physical contact. That in itself wasn't unusual - Quatre had always been an affectionate man.

Lately, however, he'd started rubbing up against Trowa like an animal in heat.

Quatre had been upset when Trowa had used the term without thinking. "I'm not an animal," he'd pouted, running his hands beneath the coarse fabric of Trowa's shirt. "It's just…I can't get enough of you." Luckily there'd been no one around; after Quatre had pulled Trowa's shirt over his head, and then began unbuttoning his fly, they'd ended up having sex on the kitchen floor.

The next day, Trowa had hung a sign on the front door proclaiming that unless their patients were dying, both the village healers were unavailable.

The day after that, he'd given up trying to work out what had gotten into Quatre and had decided just to go along with it. Surely, he reasoned, whatever it was would have to wear off eventually.

He just hadn't expected it to take this long.

Yawning, Trowa searched the room for where Quatre had thrown his clothes and quickly dressed. Turning at the bedroom door, he couldn't help but smile at the way in which Quatre had burrowed under the bedclothes; the only part still visible was his hair. Acting on impulse he crossed the room again to plant a kiss on the top of Quatre's head, and whisper "I love you," before leaving the room.

He'd barely had time to fill the wash bowl with water from the pump over the sink before there was a knock at the door. Choosing to ignore it, he splashed his face with the cool liquid and then reached for a cloth to dry off. That felt better.

Trowa yawned again. Even with the sleep he'd managed to catch up on the night before, or rather by sleeping the morning away, it was going to be a few days before he felt sufficiently rested. The sign could stay on the front door until he did. He shook his head to clear it, and placed the kettle on the wood stove to boil some water.

The knocking grew louder.

"I've come a long way to stand in front of a closed door," the male voice sounded annoyed. "Damn it. I'm sure you're expecting me. Open up!" There was a pause and then the knocking resumed. "Or I can stand here and knock until you do…"

Sighing, Trowa opened the door and glared at the person who had dared to intrude on his peace and quiet. "My husband's asleep and I'd prefer he stays that way."

"Sorry." The man held out his hand, his apologetic stance quickly disappearing as he broke into a grin. "Duo Maxwell," he gave a mock bow, "here to watch and learn. Quatre Barton, I presume?"

"No, but you'd better come in anyway." Trowa left the door open and headed back into the kitchen. Damn it. He'd forgotten about Quatre's apprentice arriving today. Hell, he'd almost forgotten what day it was.

Duo glanced around the kitchen and sniffed the air, before dumping his knapsack on the floor and settling himself at the table. "Have you been having an orgy in here? The place reeks." He laughed. "Or did one of your patients decide to mark its territory?"

"Are you always this forward with people you don't know?"

"You wound me," Duo flicked his long braid behind his back and clasped his hand to his heart in mock pain. "So if you're not Quatre, I'm presuming you're the other Mr Barton? The animal healer?"

"Yes." Moving over to the stove, Trowa placed two teaspoons of ground root in his cup and poured some hot water on top. "I'm making a drink. Would you like one?"

"Please." Duo paused. "Do you have a first name?"

"Trowa." He placed two cups of steaming liquid on the table. "Quatre should be awake shortly, but I can show you your room and get you settled in the meantime."

"Thanks, that would be great." Duo took a sip of his drink and choked. "What the hell is this stuff?"

"Chicory. Quatre makes it from a plant he discovered a few years ago." He pushed a bowl towards Duo. "It tastes bitter without sweetener. I usually add a few spoonfuls; you'll find it makes all the difference." Trowa couldn't resist a smirk. "The drink also acts as a mild stimulant although in your case I'm not sure I'd notice a difference."

"Hmm, much better," Duo decided, after following Trowa's advice. "I'm really grateful to you and Quatre for offering to put up with me for the next year. I need to spend time with a qualified healer to finish my training, and finding one in this shire was a blessing."

"Quatre's one of the best," Trowa said. "And he's keen to pass on his knowledge to someone eager to learn." His tone suggested that Duo not being eager wasn't an option.

"Oh I'm eager, and I have research to keep me busy too, " Duo confirmed. "I know how important it is for married couples to have time alone together."

"Research?" Trowa's eyebrow arched. "What kind of research?"

"I'm a lore-master," Duo explained. "I'm researching an extinct magical creature and I heard rumours that there used to be settlement in this area years ago." He fidgeted with the end of his braid. ""Even if any of these creatures did still exist they're probably in hiding for fear of their lives. And I wouldn't blame them."

"They were hunted to extinction?"

"Yes, and we're their natural predators – humans I mean," he added hastily. "They're hunted for their skin, it's worth a small fortune to the right people."

"Just for their skin?" Trowa snorted his disapproval. He tolerated hunting as a necessity for food and clothing, but this was a cruel waste. "Why is it so valuable?"

"They literally mate for life. If their chosen mate dies, they usually pine for them and die shortly afterwards." Duo rolled his eyes. "And someone in their wisdom decided that this fidelity equated to sexual health and fertility, and that their dried skin would be a wonderful aphrodisiac. From what I've discovered so far, it's a myth – no truth in it at all."

Trowa shook his head. "So they've been hunted to extinction because of a myth? Sometimes I wonder if there's much difference between ourselves and these so called animals; in fact often the animals are far more civilised than we are."

"Animals?" Duo stared at him. "Oh sorry…you thought…they aren't animals. They are of human form, but they differ from us in a few really interesting ways…magical talents for starters and…"

"Human form?" Trowa felt sick. "They're hunting and skinning humans? That's barbaric."

"Ah, but to these hunters they aren't human; people are scared of anything different from the norm, and use that to justify their actions." Duo brought his fist down on the table. "I wonder how these hunters would feel if they had to watch their loved ones caught and skinned when they'd done nothing to provoke it."

"You keep referring to them in the present tense." Taking a quick swig of coffee, Trowa tried to distract himself from the bile rising in his throat. "Wistful thinking?"

"You caught me," Duo grinned. "I'd love to actually meet one of them, but of course that's very unlikely considering they're supposed to be extinct."

"Supposed to be?"

"I can dream, can't I?" Duo leaned over, rummaged inside his knapsack, and laid an old book on the table. "I found this some time ago almost by accident. It had been buried, and," he pointed to the edges of the cloth cover, "those marks on the corners, I'm sure they're scorch marks."

"Someone went to a lot of trouble to hide it…" Trowa began but Duo interrupted him.

"And that's what makes it such a fantastic find. Do you have any idea what this means?"

"I would if you told me what the significance of it was." Trowa couldn't help but wonder if encouraging Duo was really a wise move on his part.

"Oh, haven't I done that already? Sorry." Duo took another gulp of coffee. "From what I can tell it's a personal journal kept by a human female who was bonded to…"

Trowa stood. "Why don't you wait until after you've settled in and then you can tell Quatre at the same time. It will save you having to go through it twice."

"I don't mind, really." It was difficult to ignore the pleading look in Duo's eyes.

"It's getting late and I need to wake Quatre. Come on, I'll show you to your room." Trowa paused. "You can tell us more about the journal while we're waiting for dinner to cook. I'm sure Quatre will be very interested; he loves listening to stories."

"Thanks." Book under one arm and knapsack slung across his shoulder, Duo followed Trowa from the room.

"The bed's old but comfortable," Trowa told him as they entered the spare bedroom. "Quatre's emptied out the drawers and the closet so please, make yourself at home. Our bedroom is across the hall if you need anything but," Trowa couldn't resist a smirk, "make sure you knock first and it had better be an emergency if you do."

"Right," Duo nodded. "Disturb you on the pain of death. Got it." He dumped his belongings on the bed. "By the way, thanks for the welcome again. I realise it's an intrusion having me here in your home."

"It's not a problem," Trowa reassured him, and then left the room, closing the door behind him to give Duo some privacy.

Crossing the hall to his and Quatre's bedroom Trowa was surprised to see Quatre hadn't moved from where he'd left him earlier. He leaned over his sleeping husband and, pulling the blankets back, kissed him on the cheek. "Wake up," he whispered in Quatre's ear. "Your pupil's here and keen to meet you."

Quatre didn't even stir.

"Cat, it's time to get up." Trowa opened the shuttered windows to let both the sun and some fresh air into the room. "Cat?" he called, louder this time.

"Quatre?" Trowa walked back to the bed and shook him.

Quatre didn't move.

Placing his fingers at the other man's throat, Trowa sighed in relief as he felt Quatre's pulse, strong and regular. He had a contented smile on his face, and he was curled into a ball, his arms crossed against his stomach.

"Quatre?" Trowa shook him again and frowned. He appeared to be all right, apart from his refusal to wake, but Trowa felt uneasy. Placing his hand on Quatre's forehead he was relieved that the skin felt cool to the touch, but also noticed that Quatre's complexion was still flushed.

Trowa shook his head. He was an animal healer, not an expert on human ailments and he wasn't prepared to take any chances regarding his husband's health. Duo was a healer; and although not fully qualified, should have more of an idea as to what could be wrong.

Covering Quatre again with the blankets, Trowa left the room and knocked on Duo's door. "Duo," he called, "I need your help."

"Just give me a minute," Duo replied. There was a loud crash from inside the room and a muttered curse. When the door opened Duo had an embarrassed half smile on his face. "I hope neither of you was too attached to that large vase. I was putting my belongings away and accidentally knocked it over. I'll clean up the mess and…Trowa, what's wrong?"

"It's Quatre." Trowa led the way to their bedroom. "He won't wake up and I was hoping you might know why."

"Uh huh. How long has he been asleep for?"

"Nearly a day. I'm not surprised he's tired after…" Trowa stopped himself in time. "He seems all right but I'd appreciate if you'd check him over just to put my mind at ease."

"Hmm," Duo approached the side of the bed and stood for a moment watching the steady rise and fall of Quatre's chest. "Have you tried this?" He leaned over the sleeping man and put his mouth to Quatre's ear. "WAKE UP!"

"Do you do that to all your patients" Trowa asked dryly.

"No, but you must admit it was worth a go." Duo frowned. "Hmm, that's strange." He placed a hand on Quatre's forehead. "Is his complexion normally this pink? He looks as though he should be running a fever but he's not."

Shaking his head, Trowa's concern grew. First the crash in Duo's bedroom just across the hall and now this. Why wasn't Quatre awake? "No, it's usually very pale, almost the colour of snow. The change in pigmentation occurred about a week ago, but he assured me he felt fine although he wasn't sure what had caused it."

"Do you mind if I examine him?" Duo started pulling off the blankets. "You might have to help me with his clothing." He blushed, noticing Quatre's complete state of undress. "Oh right, I see that won't be a problem. Could you help me roll him onto his back?"

Trowa moved to the other side of the bed and helped Duo to move Quatre into the position he'd requested. "Have you any idea what might be wrong with him?"

"Not yet but let's not worry until I've figured out what isn't wrong first." Duo put his head against Quatre's chest and listened for a few moments. "He hasn't been acting unusually lately, complaining about pains or anything similar?"

"No pains but…" Surely Quatre's unusual behaviour over the past few days didn't have anything to do with this? But what if whatever he'd come in contact had triggered other side effects besides an increased libido?


"Umm…I wondered if he'd been in contact with any plant life which might have had…umm…." Trowa blushed. "That smell you commented on when you arrived, it wasn't one of my patients marking its territory." Although Quatre had gotten upset about the comparison it was the best way Trowa could think of to describe the situation. "He's been acting like an animal in heat for about a week and things got quite er…intense over the past four days. "

An eyebrow went up. "You've have been having constant sex for four days?" Duo's gaze shifted onto Trowa. "You don't appear to be having problems walking."

Trowa sighed, realising he'd have to supply a few more details than he'd anticipated. "Even though he instigated it he insisted I take him each time. In fact he got quite upset when I suggested alternating like we usually do."

"Hmm, interesting." Duo continued to examine Quatre, "It certainly does sound like he could have come in contact with…oh my God!"

"What?" Trowa looked at where Duo was pointing but couldn't see anything usual. "Duo, what is it?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." The tone in Duo's voice wasn't worry, but excitement. "A solitaire. It's a solitaire."

Trowa glanced at the diamond shaped markings on Quatre's stomach and shrugged. "It's his birthmark. So?"

"Birthmark?" Duo turned to stare at Trowa. "Are you sure it's a birthmark and not a tattoo?"

"Quite sure. Quatre told me it was the first time I commented on it. You're supposed to be working out what's wrong with him, not getting excited over…"

"But don't you see?" Duo outlined the shape of the mark with one finger. "It's a single diamond. This could explain everything if I'm right."

"Duo," Trowa gave him a glare. "What's wrong with him?"

Instead of answering, Duo recovered Quatre with the blankets. "I need to talk to Quatre first, and check my notes but taking into consideration everything you've said I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Well, I suppose it depends on what you consider nothing but…"


Duo patted Trowa on the arm. "It's all right, he'll wake when he's ready and I'll explain everything then." He laughed. "You're lucky it only took four days."

"Stop talking in riddles," Trowa felt like reaching out and shaking him. "What did he come in contact with? How can you be so sure he's going to be all right?" He brushed Quatre's hair from his face and readjusted the blankets.

"You really have no idea, do you?" Duo glanced at Quatre and then back again at Trowa. "I can't find anything wrong with him; the only other thing it could be is sleeping sickness and he doesn't have the symptoms."

"You sound very certain," Trowa hoped Duo was right. The thought of Quatre never waking up wasn't an option he wanted to think about.

"As certain as I can be," Duo smiled. "I know you're worried about him, but don't be. Why don't you make us another cup of chicory and tell me how the two of you met…."

"Trowa?" Quatre patted the empty space beside him, his eyes opening with a start when he realised he was alone. He pulled himself up into a sitting position, and immediately wished he hadn't. The contents of his stomach lurched and he swallowed quickly, pulling a face at the disgusting taste in his mouth. Lowering himself back onto mattress, Quatre tried to recall what he'd eaten the night before.

The last few days were a blur. He remembered rubbing up against Trowa, wanting him so badly that nothing else mattered. It had been as though he'd been driven by something he'd had no control over. The snatches of memory gave no clue as to why he'd behaved in that manner – but then before falling asleep that last time, he'd felt a weird contentment, an inner peace that even now made him smile.

Thankful that his stomach had decided to behave, Quatre sat up again and swung his legs over the bed. Shading his eyes against the rays of the late afternoon sun, he wondered how long he had slept. Surely it couldn't be that late in the day already?

Quatre glanced around to make sure he was alone, gave the open window shutters another glare and concentrated. To his surprise they stayed where they were. He closed his eyes and focused his talent again, this time speaking the command aloud. "Close!"

They refused to budge.

That was odd. Quatre stood, his stomach churned again, and he clung to the bedpost to steady himself. Maybe getting some food and chicory into him would help.

All he needed to do was get from the bedroom to the kitchen without Trowa noticing he was feeling ill. Sitting back on the bed, Quatre searched the room for his clothes, grinning as he noticed how far they were scattered around the room. Trowa might have accused him of behaving like an animal but really, once his husband had given into Quatre's desires he hadn't been any less of one himself.

There was no point in doing this the hard way. Quatre focused his ability on the various pieces of clothing, ordered them to come and held out his hand.

Nothing happened.

"This is ridiculous," Quatre muttered under his breath. "Is nothing working at all today?" Slipping off the bed, he began collecting his clothes, wondering how his undergarments had managed to find their way quite that far under the bed. Oh yes, now he remembered. Trowa had thrown them there after….

Concern. Amusement. Disbelief.

"Ouch!" Quatre's head came up to hit the wooden bed frame as he jumped at the unexpected powerful emotional backwash.

Trowa? It had to be his husband's emotions, Quatre was sensing; he knew they weren't his own. He winced again at the pain in his chest and, reaching out to find Trowa's empathic signature, backed out from under the bed. At this physical distance, he shouldn't be able to sense Trowa as strongly as this; it was as though he was standing next to him and shouting in his ear instead of the normal gentle background whisper he was used to. While it was true that he'd been able to feel Trowa more strongly than any other humans, and even more so since they'd committed to each other, Quatre had never felt anything like this.

He reached, focusing his thoughts on his husband, and concentrated on constructing a dampening shield between them. Another aura was overlapping Trowa's but it was weak in comparison. It was harder to read, but still a lot clearer than what it would normally be.

Excitement, over flowing and bubbling over to drown out underlying caution.

Dressing quickly, Quatre padded out to the kitchen in stockinged feet to introduce himself to their visitor.

"So do you ever get strangers in the area asking a lot of questions?" The unfamiliar voice was loud yet friendly.

"If you mean as many questions as you've asked, the answer is no." Trowa's answer evoked a chuckle from Quatre and the two men turned their attention towards him.

"Quatre…" Trowa was on his feet immediately. "Are you feeling all right?"

"I think so," Quatre replied cautiously, feeling much better now than he had when he'd first awoken. "I'd love a cup of chicory though."

"Sit down and I'll get you one." Trowa indicated the man sitting at the table. "Quatre, this is Duo Maxwell. He's your new apprentice."

"Hello," Quatre held out his hand. "Quatre Barton, I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm sorry, I seem to have slept through your arrival." Duo shook Quatre's hand vigorously and his excitement seemed to grow stronger - that and his curiosity. Something brown moved from side to side behind him and Quatre's eyes widened when he realised it was Duo's hair.

Duo, however, seemed not to notice. "Tro was wondering if you were going to wake up, but I told him not to worry."

"Tro?" Quatre couldn't help but laugh as he seated himself on the chair next to Duo.

"Here five minutes and he's decided to shorten my name," Trowa snorted his disgust at the nickname as he placed a cup of chicory in front of Quatre. "Are you sure you're all right, Quatre?" he asked.

One whiff of the bitter liquid and Quatre's stomach decided to show its disproval. "Have to…" Quatre pushed his chair back and ran for the door. He barely made the garden before he heaved and vomited whatever had been his last meal.

"You're not all right," Trowa's voice was gentle, yet disapproving as he helped Quatre to his feet. "How long have you been feeling sick?"

Quatre sighed. "Since I woke up but I feel better now I've gotten rid of it. Really." He wrapped his arm around Trowa's waist and allowed himself to be led back inside. "Maybe a drink of peppermint leaf infusion might be better though, hmm?"

"You've been sick?" Duo's grin seemed to grow wider. "That's really interesting." He noticed the glare Trowa shot in his direction and shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come across like it probably sounded."

"Oh?" Trowa removed Quatre's cup and busied himself making the tea his husband had requested. "Now Quatre's awake, maybe it's time you shared your brilliant theory."

Duo gave Quatre a smile. "I might need to ask you a few questions first though if that's all right. Just to confirm my suspicions of course."

Ignoring his growing unease, Quatre forced himself to return the smile. "I can't guarantee I can answer all your questions but I can try." He paused. "What's this brilliant theory about…exactly?"

Trowa placed the cup of peppermint tea in front of Quatre and slipped into the seat on his other side. He took Quatre's hand in his own and squeezed it. "I was worried when I couldn't wake you…"

"Couldn't wake me when?" Quatre frowned. "I know I've slept for longer than usual but I don't remember…"

"Trowa asked me to examine you as sick humans aren't really his speciality, being an animal healer and all."

"You did what?" Quatre lowered his voice with an effort, knowing that it had seemed as though he'd overacted. "What did you find?"

"I couldn't find anything wrong with you. However…"

"However?" Trowa glared at Duo. "You told me he was all right. And I'm sorry, Cat, I was worried about you. I had to know that you were going to wake up."

Duo continued on as though there hadn't been an interruption. " Have you noticed that your skin pigmentation is back to normal?" Shaking his head, Quatre realised he hadn't looked in a mirror since he'd woken.

"And?" Quatre gripped Trowa's hand tighter, hoping his rising panic was unfounded.

"I'm a lore-master. And as I've already told Trowa I'm researching an extinct magical creature." Duo paused but Quatre knew what was coming. "Or should I say an almost extinct magical creature. When I examined you I noticed your birthmark."

"That's interesting," Quatre said, pretending to sound indifferent. "But I don't see what my birthmark has got to do with your research."

"Oh, but I think you do." Duo didn't feel threatening but he was very sure of himself. "The creatures I'm researching – the males all carry that birthmark. That's where the creatures get their name."

"Solitaire," Trowa frowned. "You called it a solitaire." He glanced between them. "What's going on here? Quatre, do you know what he's talking about?"

Even though there was no point in denying the obvious, Quatre still had to try. "It's a co-incidence. Birthmarks aren't uncommon; mine is probably only similar to those you're researching." He shrugged. "You've made a mistake; people often see what they want to, especially if they're desperate enough."

"I don't mean you any harm," Duo reached out to touch Quatre and he pulled away. "Look I know you're scared, but I'm not a hunter. I only want to help."

"Help?" Quatre grew cold. "I'm sorry, I don't have time to listen to these stories. I…"

"I think I know why you're feeling sick," Duo kept talking, and Quatre could feel Trowa's growing confusion. "Your magical talents…at least your ability to move objects, it's not working is it? And Trowa said you've been acting like an animal in heat." Duo paused. "When your kind goes into heat their skin pigmentation changes just like yours did."

Quatre stood and the room spun sickening as his empathic shielding crashed. He could feel everything…but most of all Trowa. Trowa's confusion was metamorphosing into an awareness of the truth, and with that truth came a disappointment and growing anger. His increased awareness of Trowa wasn't just one way; Trowa knew that Quatre realised that Duo was speaking the truth. He wasn't aware of how or why but he knew.

"I'm not an animal," Quatre kept his voice firm, "nor am I a creature. I may not be fully human but that does not give you the right to refer to my kind in a derogatory manner." He removed his hand from Trowa's and met Duo's gaze straight on. "So, Duo, as you claim to know so much about me, why do you think I'm feeling sick?"

"Don't you know?"

Shaking his head, Quatre tried to remain calm. "Would I be asking if I did?"

"Duo, is Quatre going to be all right?" It was a small relief that Trowa was still concerned for his welfare. Would he still be as accepting once the initial shock wore off and the disgust Quatre had always dreaded took over?

"Quatre, just how much do you know about yourself, about your kind?" Duo sounded sympathetic.

"Not much," Quatre admitted. "My parents abandoned me before I was five, and my grandfather – that's what I called him, I have no idea if he actually was – died in an accident when I was thirteen. He told me to hide the birthmark, and about the hunting," he glanced at Trowa. "Trowa's the only person who's seen my birthmark; but even he doesn't know the significance of it, that it's a brand to lead the hunters to their prey."

"Quatre, I'm sorry." Duo stared at him. "Is that what you think it's for? It's not." He took a deep breath. "The Solitaire male, rather than the female, carries the children and the mark signifies the presence of the birthing sac. The pigmentation I mentioned before fades once fertilisation has taken place and that's why you're feeling sick…"

Quatre sat down with a thump. "That's not possible. Even if what you've said is true you're forgetting something. I'm a man, Duo. So is Trowa." He tried to ignore the feelings of betrayal, of disbelief from Trowa. "You need a man and a woman to make a baby. I had a mother…a human mother. I remember her."

"To make a human baby, yes. That birthing sac; it's full of eggs. When you're in heat, all that's needed is the excitement of the sexual act, and er…" Duo blushed bright red, "certain stimulation."

"Are you trying to tell us Quatre's pregnant?" Trowa stared at Duo, and then at Quatre. "I'm going to be a father?"

"Well, actually no. As the males carry the children, for all intents and purposes you're the mother and Quatre's the father." Duo flicked a few pages in the book on the table and coughed nervously. "Umm, maybe this sounds better? Quatre's the male, so you're the female." He smiled brightly. "So, any questions?"

"I had a mother," Quatre repeated. "You must be wrong. I can't be pregnant. Men don't get pregnant."

"Dildos," Duo explained. "For a male to become pregnant when mating with a human female they have to…"

"We know what a dildo is, thank you," Trowa stopped him mid sentence much to Quatre's relief. "So because the females don't possess a…"

"Oh Solitaire females have the same er…equipment as the males," Duo interrupted, "But while the males carry the children, they don't feed them afterwards; that's the job of the females. It's a wonderful system don't you think? Fully shared child rearing rather than the whole thing left to one partner as we do."

"Excuse me," said Quatre. "I think I need some fresh air." He needed to get away to think…Duo couldn't be right, could he?

Reaching the edge of the garden, he took several deep breaths and tried to think things through. There was so much about himself he didn't know - and Duo had been correct about everything else he'd said. If he were pregnant, did this mean he wasn't the last of his kind after all? "Is this baby like me?" he wondered aloud.

"Babies," Trowa spoke quietly; Quatre had been so preoccupied that he hadn't heard him approach. "Duo says it's always a multiple birth. Apparently you only go into heat three times in your lifetime, so it's important to make each time count."

"Oh." Quatre turned to face him, unsure of what to say.

"Quatre," Trowa finally broke the silence between them. "Duo is right, isn't he? You are one of these…" He spoke the word hesitantly, "solitaires."

"Yes, I am." Although Quatre was still trying to adjust to the idea that he was carrying their children, Trowa had the double shock of impending parenthood and his husband not being what he appeared to be.

"I thought…" Trowa paused and he examined the ground between them. "I…everything happened so fast in there. At first I didn't believe him but then I realised that you did." Trowa raised his head but wouldn't meet Quatre's eyes. "Do you know what it was like finding out about you from someone else?"

"Trowa, I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I was scared. How could I tell you I wasn't human?" He put out his hand to stroke Trowa's cheek but Trowa pulled away.

"I let Duo examine you." Trowa shook his head. "What if he'd been someone else? He told me about the hunters, what if he'd been one of them? I could have lost you because you didn't trust me enough to tell me."

"I couldn't. Don't you see that? It was safer for both of us if you didn't know. I couldn't take the risk."

"I would have never betrayed you, Quatre."

Quatre took a step closer, his voice cracking when he spoke. "What you don't know can't be tortured out of you. I know you wouldn't have betrayed me intentionally, but I've heard stories; Duo isn't the only one who's done research." He laughed bitterly. "Although it seems as though his research was rather more thorough than my own, but then I suspect he didn't have the added problem of trying to hide the fact of who or what he was."

"I could have helped," Trowa insisted.

"Even after you'd found out what I really was? Would you have still wanted to?"

"At least I would have had the option of making that decision for myself."

"I thought I was doing the right thing for both of us; that I was keeping you safe. There was no need for you to know; if this hadn't happened you still wouldn't."

"No need for me to know?" Trowa echoed. One hand clenched and unclenched. "We're married, Quatre! When I committed to you it was because I loved and trusted you; I thought you felt the same way."

"I wanted you to love me for who I am, not be disgusted by what I am." Quatre doubted there was anything he could say which could make Trowa understand the decisions he'd made or forgive his betrayal.

"What you are isn't a problem, Cat, at least to me. I love you, I thought you realised that." He bent and kissed Quatre on the forehead. "I'll be there for you, for our children, but for the moment I need time. This is too much, too fast." He turned and walked back into the house.

Quatre felt numb. In the space of not even an hour his world had come crashing down around him. "I wish I knew how to make this better, Trowa, but I don't." It was too late to promise anything; he'd already broken the promises he'd made to Trowa when they'd married. They'd been going to share everything, and yet Quatre had never managed to find the courage to share the most important thing of all. He only hoped that Trowa would forgive him.

There was a noise behind him. "Trowa, is that you?" It would have been easy enough to use his talents to make sure but he didn't want to risk damaging their relationship any further.

Wincing at a sharp pain, Quatre brought his hand up to the side of his neck. When he brought it down there was a tiny dart in his palm. His vision blurring, Quatre stumbled and fell to his knees. He was dimly aware of a figure standing over him. "Trowa?"

And then everything went black.

To Chapter Two