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a day with a gay scorpio
Saturday, 22 May 2004
My trip to Phuket / Thailand
Hi all, Sorry for not writing sooner..but better late then never - correct? Spent a total of 8 glorious days in Phuket. Stay at Aquarius Guesthouse. Room was spacious and big. Given complimentary breakfast & after dinner drinks coupons during my stay. And yes, the gym, sauna is free use.....A place where you could get picked up or you pick up guys who like!! Practically spent most times at the beaches, hiking, shopping and well, you guess it - clubbing till the wee mornings. Went to three beaches - Patong (the gay beach), Surin and Kamala. Too be seen and to see. Thanks to the sun and weather - got this lovely shade of golden brown tan all over. No bikini lines at all. Hey it works - a Thai & a French thought I was from South America/Brazil!! Sigh, most Thais thought I was a local! hhhmmm.... Two days was spent hiking/island hopping. Went to see PhuketFantasea - a show with dinner. All I can say is - Its crap. Koh Kai island (gay island) was fun. Met alot of people who thought I was Thai. Until I introduced myself and WHERE I was from. The escorts who were there were able to smile ever so bright. Reason - I wasnt there to 'disturb' their 'men'. Only unpleasant event was having found my cash missing upon arrival back at the hotel. John & Vut had invited Joe (Australian) and myself to dinner. Then to our 'fav' club - C U Tonight. Practically each nite I was drinking 3 bottles of whisky. And still be sober the next morning. Here's the topper!! The owner of the club birthday bash was held in the premises. She was a he previously. Boy was she drop dead gorgeous. Well, the party was in full swing and lots of drinking. We were all introduced to her. Gave her a large (30 stemmed roses) bouquet. That did it - she asked me to dance with her three times. Then the drinks were on the house. A friend (Phil) who was with me bailed out during the 'ending' of the party. Leaving me in the lurk. The owner (Ms Oun) had invited us to join them at a lounge to continue with the partying. She had picked up 4 boys. At my table, she licked her lips invitingly and said "I'm a woman you know. I need a man!" I froze but smiled. We partied till 6am in the morning. The 4 boys - well hard luck to them. Although they tried to get fresh with her, her friends refused to allowed them to do so. 2 boys took the offer to stay in the hotel room booked for them. The other two - took a tuk tuk home. She on the other hand was with me!! Sigh! being a gentleguy made sure she drank a cup of tea before insisting a friend drove her home. Nope, I didnt jump into bed with her. Tempting but its not me. Later in the afternoon, paid her a visit at her home. She was so stone drunk she couldnt remember a thing. Except for Phil & me. What a trip!! Yours GayScorpio

Posted by ab7/scorpio at 11:00 AM
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
Its Thursday
Yup, sorry for no writing earlier. Done my last accounts paper (sob sob so darn easy!!!) and now to let my hair down... hahahaha....and pants!!! Alas... have to clear my work load first...till June 2004 schedules. @$$*&@@@@!####!!!!... Went to the movies. Saw 50 first dates...ssssooooo mushy!!! Yucks!! So I'm heading to the club....for some!!! you know what I mean.... Labour day preparations...who gives a SHIT? Wanna go for a concert at the park? In the freaking afternoon?? On a Sunday??? No way man....I'll be at the beach either fucking around or worshipping the sun in Thailand. GayScorpio

Posted by ab7/scorpio at 3:33 PM
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Saturday, 10 April 2004

Its Saturday April 10.
Had gone for dinner last Thursday with a friend. Then window shopped till the shops closed. Didnt even realise that the next day was Good Friday. A public holiday.

Went sun tanning in the nude. Drat, the rain came in the afternoon. So, I'm half brown from the front and half white from the behind.

Today, collecting a Braun hair dryer for me mom. And a shopping voucher ($80.00). So being a Sunday the next day, hey I'm going shopping - before I hit my books for the last paper (Accounts) on April 15.

Then its off to Phuket/Thailand... Yahoooo.....!!!


Posted by ab7/scorpio at 10:34 AM
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Wednesday, 7 April 2004
Its Wednesday...7 April 2004
Sigh...its so boring at work. Talked to a friend of mine and made plans for a dinner date this Thursday after work. Sex??? Nah....

Bought new swimming attire for my trip to Phuket/Thailand. Grrr...the colour that's nicer is screaming yellow. With a zipper right down the middle. Yup!!! you hear me correct. So.....

The other is two pieces of clothe tied together with strings on both ends. Think shoelaces on shoes.... Boy, when it gets sticks to your skin and well....let your imagination run wild...

Anyway, can wait till Sunday...sun bathing in the nude at the club's roof top.....Hey cant go the beach looking like a ghost can I?


Posted by ab7/scorpio at 10:57 AM
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Tuesday, 6 April 2004
Tuesday 6 April 2004
I'm new in this... Broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years. That twerp.. cheated me behind my back with a guy I knew. To mend this heart of mine, i planned to leave for the States - 1 month. But I couldnt take the crying and i'm leaving for Phuket for a week of fun. hahaha.....In May during his birthday (3 May) Without any any people going to Phuket/Thailand from 1 May - 9 May 2004, see you there!!! This guy has not had hot hot sex for a long time coz... Lurid details (if wanted) drop an least I'll have it out my system and hair..... Sorry for the sit. Need to make it nicer for you guys & gals Scorpio

Posted by ab7/scorpio at 1:23 PM
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