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my scale for the movie reviews

**** classic movie; a must see

*** Good movie

** OK; not good or bad

* god awful( why would someone make this movie

and if there are no stars you can guess what that means

Animal House (1978) ****

Probably the best movie ever about a fraternity that has no goals in life and they dont really care about school.  This movie is much better than Old School with Will Ferrell and alot better than Revenge of the Nerds.  Another SNL actor made Animal house a huge success John Belushi stared in this as "Bluto". This is funny because it is the first movie that took on fraternity life successfully.

Scarface (1984) ***

Al Pacino plays a political refugee from Cuba. This movie follows the rise and fall of drug lord Tony Montana in 1980s Miami.  His rise however also starts his fall because of his addiction to crack and his paranoia.  This movie gave us the line say hello to my little friend.  The movie however is way to long and a little to dark and depressing.  This movie will have you guessing from the beginning what will happen next leaving to a semi-depressing ending.