Below is a list of country names that have changed. The list was created out of desperation during the process of sorting out superseded editions of CIA maps and State Department Background Notes. Any corrections or additions to this list will be most welcome.

Three events in the twentieth century have caused major name changes for nations. First was the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a result of WWI. A number of European nations formed or changed shape at this time. Second was the movement of various colonies to independent republics, mostly during the 1960s and mainly in Africa and Asia. Some former colonies separated or joined to form new nations; more changed their names. Congo is especially confusing since it can refer to either the Republic of the Congo or the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which are two entirely different and distinct countries. Third was the breakup of the Soviet Union and other eastern bloc nations into independent republics during the 1990s. These three periods account for the most, but not all, name changes.

For the purpose of this list I have arbitrarily used WWI as a cut-off, tracing name changes since but not before then. I have also listed all older names individually, rather than showing the progression through a variety of names, since the purpose of this list is to let someone identify what an area is currently called.

Old Names To Current Names

Afars and Issas = Djibouti
Annam - now part of Vietnam
Basutoland = Lesotho
Bechuanaland = Botswana
Belgian Congo = Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Belorussia = Belarus
Bosnia = Bosnia and Herzegovina
British Cameroons - now part of Nigeria, and part of Cameroon
British East Africa = Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
British Guiana = Guyana
British Honduras = Belize
British North Borneo - now part of Malaysia
British Singapore = Singapore
British Somaliland = Somalia
British Togoland - now part of Ghana
British West Africa = Cameroon, Gambia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana
Caicos = Turks and Caicos Islands
Central African Empire = Central African Republic
Ceylon = Sri Lanka
Cochin China - now part of Vietnam
Congo - this can refer to either the Republic of the Congo, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Congo Free State = Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Czechoslovakia = Slovakia, and the Czech Republic
Dahomey = Benin
Dutch Guiana = Suriname
Dutch New Guinea - now part of Indonesia
Dutch West Indies = Netherlands Antilles
East Pakistan = Bangladesh
Ellice Islands = Tuvalu
Federation of the Emirates of the South - now part of Yemen
Federation of South Arabia - now part of Yemen
Formosa = Taiwan
French Cameroons = Cameroon
French Congo = Chad, Gabon, Congo (Republic of the Congo), and Central African Republic
French Equatorial Africa = Chad, Gabon, Congo (Republic of the Congo), and Central African Republic
French Guinea = Guinea
French India - now part of India
French Indochina = Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia
French Morocco - now part of Morocco
French Somaliland = Djibouti
French Sudan = Mali
French Territory of the Afars and Issas = Djibouti
French Togoland = Togo
French West Africa = Benin, Guinea, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso
Futuna = Wallis and Futuna
German Southwest Africa = Namibia
German Volga Republic - now part of Russia
Gilbert Islands = Kiribati
Gold Coast = Ghana
Hercegovina is a variant spelling of Herzegovina
Herzegovina = Bosnia and Herzegovina
Indochina = Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia
Issas = Djibouti
Ivory Coast = Côte d'Ivoire
Kampuchea = Cambodia
Khmer Republic = Cambodia
Kirghiz Republic = Kyrgyzstan
Kirghizia = Kyrgyzstan
Korea = North Korea, and South Korea
Malagasy Republic = Madagascar
Malaya = Malaysia
Moldavia = Moldova
Montenegro - now part of Yugoslavia
Muscat and Oman = Oman
New Hebrides = Vanuatu
North Borneo - now part of Malaysia
North Vietnam = Vietnam
North Yemen - now part of Yemen
Northern Rhodesia = Zambia
Nyasaland = Malawi
Outer Mongolia = Mongolia
Persia = Iran
Pleasant Island = Nauru
Portuguese East Africa = Mozambique
Portuguese Guinea = Guinea-Bissau
Portuguese India - now part of India
Portuguese West Africa = Angola
Rhodesia = Zimbabwe
Ruanda = Rwanda
Sabah - now part of Malaysia
Sarawak - now part of Malaysia
Serawak is a variant spelling of Sarawak
Serbia - now part of Yugoslavia
Siam = Thailand
South Arabia - now part of Yemen
South Vietnam = Vietnam
South-West Africa = Namibia
Southern Rhodesia = Zimbabwe
Southern Yemen - now part of Yemen
Spanish Guinea = Equatorial Guinea
Spanish Morocco - now part of Morocco
Spanish Sahara = Western Sahara – currently claimed and occupied by Morocco
Sudanese Republic = Mali
Surinam is a variant spelling of Suriname
Tadzhikistan = Tajikistan
Tangiers - now part of Morocco
Tibet - now part of China
Tobago = Trinidad and Tobago
Tonkin - now part of Vietnam
Transcaucasia = Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
Transjordan = Jordan
Trucial Coast = United Arab Emirates
Trucial Oman = United Arab Emirates
Trucial States = United Arab Emirates
Ukrainia = Ukraine, the
Upper Volta = Burkina Faso
West Pakistan = Pakistan
Western Sahara - currently claimed and occupied by Morocco
Yemen Aden = Southern Yemen which is now part of Yemen
Yemen Sana = North Yemen which is now part of Yemen
Yugoslavia broke up into six separate republics, two of which, Serbia and Montenegro, have joined to reform Yugoslavia
Zaire = Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Zanzibar = Tanzania

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (and occasionally the Russian empire that preceded it) swallowed up and later spit out a number of independent states. The breakup of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries formed a number of new republics, some of which have since combined. While not name changes as such, the following list still lets one track these changes.

The U.S.S.R. (aka the Soviet Union, and, informally, Russia) separated into sixteen countries:

Chechnya declared its independence from Russia, but Russia has not recognized this and still claims the area as its own.

Eastern Block countries
Czechoslovakia separated into two countries:
Czech Republic, the (which includes Bohemia, Moravia and part of Silesia)

East and West Germany reunited to form Germany.

Yugoslavia separated into six countries:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia (includes Kosovo)

Serbia and Montenegro reunited to again become Yugoslavia.

Some other miscellaneous changes that did not reflect well in the above list are:

The British West Indies became simply the West Indies which are now called the Antilles. This further subdivides into the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles (which includes Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico), the Lesser Antilles (which includes the Leeward Islands, the Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados), and into the islands off the north coast of Venezuela. Part of the British territories tried to form the West Indies Federation, but this fell apart before it could achieve independence; some of the islands then became independent in their own right. Meanwhile others first formed the West Indies Associated States then became independent.

Singapore joined Malaysia for a very short time and then withdrew.

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