Annotated Bibliography


Microsoft Encarta, 2003. Film, Blacks in American. Whoopi Goldberg on Entertainment. (CD-ROM) Microsoft Corporation Using Microsoft Encarta, we used Whoopi Goldberg's speech on black minorities in the movie business; Whoopi Goldberg was an actress during the filming industry when black minoritites were discriminated in the movies.

Null, G. (1993) Black Hollywood New York, NY : Carol Publishing Group From this source, we used an interview by the author, Gary Null, with Charles Woods, a black film producer.

Nesteby, J. (1982) Black Images in American Films, 1896-1954: The Interplay Between Civil Rights and Film Culture. Washington D.C.: Universtiy Press of America, Inc This source highlighted the depictions of Black Minorities in the movies since the first African American appeared in an on-screen movie.

Toplin, R.B. (1993) Hollywood as a Mirror. Westport, CT : Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. This source highlighted the depictions of Black Minorities in the movies until the early 1990's.

Levy, E. (2003) All About The Oscars. New York, NY : The Continuum Int. Publishing Group This source listed the only African Americans to win the Oscar, beginning with Hattie McDaniel in Gone With the Wind
Mapp, Edward (1971) Blacks in American Films: Today and Yesterday. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow Press This source highlighted the roles of African American in the earliest hit movies.
This secondary source website was a good source because the website described the Martin Luther King Jr. quote, and also gave me some background information on Sidney Poitier's "firsts."

Primary source website that gave me the picture of Sidney Poitier.
Secondary source website that gave information about Sidney Poitier and where he was born. Also this source had supplied information about Sidney Poitier not necessarily being the first African American to get an Academy Award nomination, but the first male.
This secondary source gave analysis about the author's personal opinions of black actors in the movie business and their protrayals in the movies to.
Primary source website that gave pictures of Denzel Washington.
Primary source website that gave pictures of Halle Berry.
Secondary source website that gave information on various black movies.

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Breaking the Barrier
Academy Awards Given to African Americans