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Everyone befor Prom at Jasons house (left to right) Luis and Antt, Nick and his date, Me and Juston, Robon and her date, Adam and jacky, Sam and Jason, Jermey and Ali

Me before going to prom

Me and Matty(matty came over and hung with me why I was getting ready)

Me and Juston before going to Prom.

Me and Juston before prom(you can see my hole dress in this picture) ::smile::

Me and Sexy Matty

Me before prom

Antt, and Luis at Jasons hosue before the Prom Eating something wierd

Antt, and Luis befor Prom

Me and Antt before Prom at Jason hosue
Adam and Jacky before prom at Jasons house
Us in the Limo going to Prom, Nick, Luis, Antt, Adam, and Ali head ::laugh::

us in the limo going to Prom, Sam and Jason in the back and you can see Nick and Alis head again::laugh::

In Limo going to Prom, Sam, Jason, Robon, Luis, and Adam

us in the Limo gonig to prom why the Fog was turned on(how kool is that we had Fog) and you can see Antt takeing pictures, Adam right next to her then Jacky and Ali

Me and Juston in the Limo going to prom

Me and Joe
Me, Antt, and Justine right before going into the prom.
Joe and Justine before going into prom.
Joe, and Antt before going into prom.
Me and Antt sitting at a table drinking
Luis pimping it out next to Antt, and Justien and Joe in the back
Mario and his date danceing(she was soo Pretty)
Antt, and Justine danceing at Prom

me and Sam

Justine and Joe in the back
me and Adam

Antt and Justine

Me and Justine
Me and Jon

Me and Sexy mario

Mario and hsi date

Ali and Jermey in the limo going back to the house to get ready to go to the club

Adam and Jacky in the Limo

Really scary picture of me

Me and juston heading to the limo in the fun rain