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All are welcome to visit and use the many Pride In Our Wolves Members Pages.

In the beginning,A few wise people gathered in wonderment.In their prime thoughts were! Could there be a place were "Good" people could gather?Could these people,Without prejudice work together in unity and caring? Would they be willing to share in Knowledge,To benefit all?Could they become so close,That they became as a large caring Family?Such were the thoughts ,In the minds of the Wolf Realm Founders."Such" was Their dream.

Now in being a member of that dream ! I myself hold great Pride In seeing it become a reality.As members now of the Pride In Our Wolves Pack,I'm certain you do also .So I say to you all. Go fourth ,Into the world ,heads held high.Knowing you are now part of that dream.

To Go To The New Pride In Our Wolves Links Page.

To Go To Wolf Gallery

Learn About What They Are Doing To Wolves In Yellowstone,Maybe We Can Help Prevent This

Wolf Park Page .Great spot to visit for info on real life Wolves

To Go To THe Pride In Our Wolves Paint Shop.


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