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that's the way uh-huh uh-huh i like itt
love is so meaningless and pure bullshit nowadays all these people saying they love each other after goin out for only a few days, its nonsense it makes me think twice.. wat kind of people do that? i mean..even IF they say its LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT MAY be true to some..but to others its PUREEE bullshit, its just a lame excuse for being stupid and naive..learn the difference between love and lust sweet talks and bull shit, being romantic and stupid Dont waste your time thinking oh yeahh he's the right one for me...don't get into a serious relationship YET because your young, you have more important things to look forward to in the future. Love is just a piece of the puzzle that makes it seem perfect.

all these gurls thinking their hardcore just kuhz they go up to random girls they dont even know and bitch just kuhz they were SUPPOSEDLY staring you down, so what? maybe they think ur pretty or unique? nothing wrong with that? and before you go up to people to bitch n shit get ur facts straight first kuhz u might just look like an idiot when u start talkin to them and they dont kno WHAT THE HELL you're talking about..and dont use big words you dont even know the meaning of, its just stupid, talk it out..nothing is solved with fighting.

Fobz..what the hell? ..haha im sorry im not being mean or anything but i think its pathetic when they act all hardcore with their accent..they think its cool? well its not ..its a turn off.. i like guys wid accents n stuff? but at least they speak proper english i mean please..try recording urself talk and listen to me..its not that nice to listen to, i bet you anything you would laugh too =P, listen to me when i say this BEING FOB DOESN'T MAKE YOU COOL OR HARDCORE! and no i not saying fobs aren't good people they are! but i just absolutely HATE! how they act!THEY ACT LIKE THEIR ALL THAT AND A BAG O' CHIPS!

=) all these gurls that complain how peopel talk shit about them..well think, some of them ARE true so dont deny, stop complaining how people call u a slut because maybe you are? CAN be called a slut if u fuck around with almost every single guy in the neighborhood, dont blame the guy kuhz its BOTH your problems if u want to call it that? you guys did shit with each other, both of u deal with it what happens, happens so stfu =D, and dont get people involved, whoever IS involved IS dont get nebody else that dont even know the whole story involved..its pointless wat do u expect them to do?..they can't do nething but bitch or w.e..

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz..the people that made the difference..
i kno sumtimes i can be a lil stubborn..a bitch as you say..sorry about that..i guess thats just the way i am, but thx for every single advice you have given me..every time you've cheered me up when i had a bad day..every time i had those.."problems" you were there..i wouldn't be who i am w/o you...

LUST;Often confused with love.
BULLSHI*T;Things said that have little to no bearing to reality and/or the truth.
INFATUATION;Consists of people thinking they are in love;just a deep lust/like 4 another person.
HYPOCRITE;A person who claims to be something that he or she is not. A contradictory person. A two-faced person.

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