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Centering the Self...Authentic Living

Centering the Self...Coaching Through Life Transitions 

We believe that when a person comes to a "fork in the road of life", there can be any number of options to take.  A Life Coach can assist with the navigation process, providing guidance and support as one begins the journey to the Centered Self. 

Life Transitions occur throughout the course of one's life.  They are changes that all humans experience.  Life Transitions can be relationship-oriented, life-stage related, or they can be associated with employment and/or educational aspirations.  

Life Transitions can be EXCITING, WONDERFUL, ENERGIZING, and LIFE TRANSFORMING.  They can also be CONFUSING, OVERWHELMING, and DEBILITATING when a person gets stuck in the process.  

Centered Self Life Coaches work with people who are going through Life Transitions and feel stuck.    Whether you are dealing with changes in a current relationship, a career or job change, or you are deciding to go back to school to learn a new profession or trade, we can help you as you set out on this journey, coaching and encouraging you through the obstacles, to a life that is more Authentically Lived, More Centered, and Embracing of the True Self.   

 Our clients are challenged to identify areas in their lives that may need adjustment and refocusing, which may be the obstacles keeping them from moving forward to the next level in life, relationship, job, or career path.  

Our clients are assisted by a Centered Self Life Coach who specializes in Life Transition Work, possesses the training, tools, and resources to help them move forward with clarity and dedication, and who is dedicated to their success.  Goals are identified along with plans to reach those goals.  Adjustments are made, as needed, along the way, with a focus on not only what is learned throughout the journey, but also on how to apply that learning to future Life Transitions.  

Our clients get the support and encouragement they need to take the necessary steps toward new life goals, paths, and transitions, while keeping a sense of balance between family, work, and recreation.

Our Mission

Centered Self Coaches seek to help people successfully navigate through Life Transitions.  This happens when people learn to make choices based on who they were created to be rather than on what they have learned to conform to, and when they take decisive action based on these choices.  

We believe that this is the key to Authentic Living. 

How We Can Help

Centered Self Life Coaches can assist those who are...

Excited about a new direction, but unsure about how to navigate through it.

Frustrated with, and  confused about, a current life situation.


Perplexed about a change they may need to make in their life.

Worried about upcoming events or life changes.

Afraid to move forward.


Feeling like they are sinking or falling with no end in sight and need an objective perspective and a little encouragement.


Wanting to make changes in their relationships.


Wondering what is missing in their lives.

So...if you are ready to venture forth on your journey to a more Centered Self, give us a call!

Contact Information

Renee Miller, PsyD

President and Life Coach

(714) 296-8052
Electronic mail
General Information:


We offer a 30-minute, complimentary Coaching Session. 

If you are ready to begin taking steps toward your Path To Victory, the following Coaching services can help you navigate through it:

3 Weekly Individualized Coaching Sessions per month

Unlimited emails to your Life Coach

Unlimited 5-10 minute "between-sessions" phone calls 

Because changing habits and behaviors that may be keeping you from reaching your goals takes time and practice of new skills, we ask that you make at least a 3-month mental commitment to Centering your Self. 

While we cannot guarantee results, (your courage and determination to  implement the action in your life will determine actual results), we do guarantee that your Coaching experience will be one that is challenging, enlightening, refreshing, invigorating, energizing, and motivating.  

We believe so strongly in this that we offer a money-back-guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with your Coaching Experience. 

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 25, 2004