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News – 21/7/04

How the fucks everyone going? Been a

While since this site has a major update like

This but the old one has had its time. Not

A lot has been happening for titans right now,

The only major gig we have coming up on 20th

Of august at the Empire Hotel (over 18s so we

Cant imagine to many people turning up) go to the gig

Section if you want more information on it. There is rumors off

Someone that we were meant to go to Canberra the next day with

Anarchoi and play with some bands down there but we aint to sure

That the gig is going to happen. Start of august out sax player tim

Is heading off overseas somewhere aint to sure about, so mazie  the

Greatest trombone ever will be joining us on the 20th gig to fill in.

Just a reminder that we are always looking for a trombone player, or

A tenor sax, so if your interested please contact us bitches!!!

That’s it from us right


