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You're Not Alone

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Whats It All About

  • A dedication to all the women,men,and children who have been abused mentally,physically,or sexually you are all people with a past or a future, and I need to stop, and express some thought thats been eating me up inside. Life is beautiful with ugly colors that shine through I've had my share of abuse but I live no longer on my knees, and I want people to look at this site, and not feel alone anymore. Your beautiful no matter who says it. If your an abuser reading this you need to step down out of your place, the worlds to small for you,it's time we take a stand,and fight this head on.
  • What I believe; being a human in this day, and age is so hard we have turned our own brains into mush. Thinking we can get away with hurting lying stealing, and cheating so who do we think we are well i geuss we must be the creators of the broken world were living. I feel this deep pull that pushes me away from the atmosphere into another world were I feel so emotional when I watch a program on tv or listen to another song about the hardships of life, but thats not what this is about it's about we as humans can't live in a safe place I want to make this site for those people who just want to talk or get something off there chest I had an epihany today and it was all because I had watched a program were a brother had raped his sister, and got her pregnant it broke something deep inside I can't stand how incredible stupid weve become it's not normal in my world so how can it be for someone else,do these people hear hidden whispers of destruction.
  • Why Me; well why you may ask I live in a world thats much greater than me and surrounded by people who are alone who need there eyes opened I may not change the world but If I can protect or comfort it was a lesson well learned.
  • I want to hear and I want to live but not in shackles and chains like I have lived no one is worth living in pain caused by destruction I'm going to bring something they'll never forget so lets work it out and make the world a bit brighter.

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