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High School Life
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The Life of a High School Student

Contrary to popular belief, the life of a high school student is one laden with many challenges and sherber sherbers. Unfortunately, it seems as though adults have lost the ability to remember what it was like to be young, and in doing so apply a certain pressure that they feel is appropriate. Actions with good intentions don't necessarily derive good results. It creates stress, and in doing so leads to a rebelling behavior. Where it is a curfew is set at nine, a student may purposely come home at nine-thirty as a slap to their parent's face. When reproached, a common excuse is "You said nine. Technically it still is." In order to bridge the gap between generations, there must be a mutual understanding that time, as it has done for as long as its been recorded, is consistently changing. Once this is achieved, leniency may be produced. This is not to say society should do away with morals, but try to see that sleeping over isn't as bad as it seems. Also, jumping to conclusions is one of the worst things any one person could do. The worse thing you could do to an innocent person is accuse them. That is to say, don't automatically assume a couple is having sex. One, it is of no one's business but their own. Two, if you do, do not do so in a confrontational manner. Discussions help, arguments don't. - El Negro.