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Nealo: The Final Frontier - Version 1.0 - Rawhide

An Equine RPG...with a twist

_|Reference Pages



Locations and Clans



_|OOC Boards

OOC Board

Love Caves - Have A Baby

Join the Frontier


The River Clan

The Lake Clan

The Nomad Clan

The Mountain Clan

The Apocolypse Forest Clan

The Grasslands Clan

_|Strange Locations

Temple Of The Gods

The Weird Ruins

The Battlefield

Last Updated On: August 23rd

August 23 - Hmph. No NOTHING, and I've been advertizing my arse off for the past couple weeks. Don't worry folks, I'm not shutting the site down without a fight!

August 8 - No new members, no nothing. I'm just advertizing around. Hopefully someone will join. Hopefully. Anyway, everything has been done and free of errors.

August 2 - Site is up! Nothing more to say except my name is Zei, and I ish the ownah here. I play Dionysus, Semele, and Hades. And Zei, duh. As you can see, this website has a mythology-type theme.
Copyright 2004, Nealo: The Final Frontier, All Rights Reserved.