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Thank you for visiting my page but right now i'm updatign it as you can see. please come back later.


» Carol Nguyen
» Vietnamese (Pure Blood)
» July 20th 1989 (14 years)
» Year of the Snake
» Grade 9
» H.Cross

Song » A Parting Eternal » Samurai X [Kenshin]
Lyout » Kakashi
NOTE » Sorry there aren't any pics beacuse
1 My web cam doesn't work
2 I don't have a scanner

Friends » I don't like saying whom my friends are because it just pisses people off. Since if they're not on the damn list and they think they’re my friends get all hurt and other crap like that. So if you think you’re my friend you probably are okay? OKAY!

HeHe I like a lot of things many anime and manga as you can tell by my Kakashi layout. Right now I’m really into manga especially Naruto, some of you might have heard of it but I doubt most of you will. Well manga is Japanese comics like anime is Japanese animation. Will there is a magazine that’s out called Shonen Jump; it has a bunch of mangas in it like Hikaru No Go, One Piece, Dragonball Z, Shaman King, Yu gi oh, Yu Yu Hasho, and of course NARUTO. Anyways Naruto is about a boy training to become a full ninja and the strongest in his village. He goes on missions with his team and right now is on a mission to save his friend from turning to the evil side. Although Shonen Jump in North America has only gotten up to like 20 chapters I’ve been reading it off the Internet. Yup I’m a manga freak.

Well that was one thing i like if i told you everything this page would never end,so let's talk about something else, hmm.... i have nothing at the moment, but i'll come back when i've got something.

April 8 2004
» Starting today it's EASTER BREAK, NO SCHOOL for a WEEK. I return back on the 19th. This is beacuse i go to a H.Cross a caltholic school, so we have more school then you public kids