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Christian Leadership and Ministry Abstract

1977 - 1996

PanCanadian Bible Study ( Encana Resources)-Founder,past Leader

- a noon hour Bible study at workplace of previous employment

(study is still running with another facilitator)

1986 - 1995

Calgary Downtown Christian Fellowship - Co-founder , administrator
- a liaison group that helped to facilitate the growth and communications between the noon hour Bible Studies that excited in the Downtown core of Calgary.
- Initiated a Study in the City of Calgary building for employees in that area of the DT core.
- Held conferences and special study sessions for the noon hour crowd
(This group no longer excists due to large lay offs of the studies' coordinators from business in downtown core. )

1988 - 1990

Aviation Interfaith Ministries -Assistant Airport Chaplain
gave Sunday service in the Chapel at the Calgary International Airport
helped coordinate activities and did walk about ministry to Airport
terminal employees, assisted in off ground counseling sessions to Airport facilities employees

1993 - 1994

Praise Ablaze Ministries- Secretary Treasure>
(no longer functions)

1993 - 1996

Prophetic Ministries Canada - Team Member and Secretary Treasure
helped coordinate meetings and sending out information

1994 - 1996

Growth Ministries Team Member
(no longer functions)

participated in Ministry trips as part of a Prophetic ministry team on a interprovincial level, taught workshops & lead Prophetic counseling sessions

1994 - 1996

St. Luke’s Anglican Church - Homfellowship Leader

lead two separate homefellowship groups

1995 - 1998

Prophetic and Intercessory Prayer Ministry @ St. Luke’s - Senior leader, teacher

set up curriculum and teach on Prophetic and Intercessory Prayer & conduct weekly meetings.

1998 - 2000

Calgary Interdenominational Prophetic -Co-founder , past Leader

locally based group of prophetically gifted people, was open to people of all denominations & backgrounds. No longer operates.

1998 - Present

Prophetic People International -Teacher and Senior Mediator

an international e-group of people interested in the prophetic, involvement with people world wide. Also host teaching & interactive chat groups.

Study & Course Materials Authored(unpublished)

Completed works

Prophetic Teachings (course)

~ for workshops or conferences, as well as group teaching, course materials has been used on an international bases through PPI

Works in progress or being revised

Back to the Basics (study)

~ nine part study on the Basics of Christianity

The Working Christian (study)

~Biblical Characters a three part series - covering relations to role models in the work place, Evangelism in the workplace,Servanthood

Small Books of the Bible (study)

~ covers all the smaller books of the Bible that have 8 chapters & under

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