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Home Page
Mark's Site

Welcome To My Home Page
This site was created for a school project. On it you will find stuff I like or do
Listing Site Updates

Update at 2:30pm October 24 2002.
Update at 1:34pm October 24 2002.

News and Site Development

Site Ready to be Submited
-Well, I am Going to hit complete on my build a web site assignment today. after 1 month I have not found anything else to put up.
This update posted at 11:19 am November 28 2002.">

Whats new page added to site
-This Whats New section of my site was added at 2:30pm October 24 2002.
This Update Posted at 2:35pm October 24 2002.

Info On My Site

Created October 24 2002.

Captions for pictures
It's me!!!!