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My Nightingale by John Whitaker
There were times when my life seems to be nothing but shadows...
Along came a bird to take away my sorrows.....
More stunning than the heavenly light.....
She made my stars shined very bright.....
Strength so strong, love was hard to seek....
Her beauty has made me very weak..
Singing to me of forgotten love...
My Nightingale is more beautiful than a Dove...

Forever always free to fly...
Taking my heart with her to the sky....
Where she goes no one would know....
Still my love will continue to grow....
She inflicted my heart with a wound....
Is it possible to love her so soon?....
Losing her would bring tears to my eyes....
Neither Heaven nor Hell can stop my cries....
Deep feelings I have is unconventional....
My heart for her is unconditional....
I know she is my destiny....
Hope we last for eternity....
My heart beats when she is near...
Being with her I have nothing to fear....
I admire her to my soul's core.....
and I will love her forever more.....
For and only for "Ke"