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Monday, 21 July 2003

well apart from sitting in the sun for three hours while yelling at kids to walk i didnt do a hellofa lot today. bought some stuff for college and grilled myself a burger. im not really in the mood for this and simpsons is on so imout.

Posted by ab7/lizard0 at 5:02 PM CDT
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Sunday, 20 July 2003

well i was bored and decided to create this so called "blog" im not sure if i will ever "update" it or if anyone will even look at it. i dont really know what to say....err type, but hopefully my future entries will be more exciting. ill fill you in on some basics(when i say you im assuming that someone will actually be reading this)im 18 and will be attending grinnell college this fall where i have no idea what i will be studying or where i will be living but i do know that i will be running cross country and track and consuming large amounts of yeast excrement(for all of you out there who dont know what that is find out im sure you have also or will soon be consuming large amounts of it) i always told myself i wouldnt go to college to run, but apparently thats why im going, i mean yes i am going to learn, but at the moment i have no idea what exactly, possibly biology or history. id have to say that the going to college part doesnt seem to complicated, its more the things i will be leaving behind, not forever, but for four years. throughout those 4 years i plan on keeping in close contact with those things, and hopefully it will all work out for the best. "guess whos coming to dinner" i just stumbled over it on tv, a late 60's movie about an interacial couple telling their parents they were getting married, which was in fact illegal in some states. i guess this movie was groundbreaking and caused tons of controversy which at the time was understandable, not saying it was right, because if i was against interracial relationships id be a big fat hypocrit(see leaving for college). which brings me to my job, im a lifeguard at a private fitness club (OOOOOoooooooo), i also work at boaters world, which i hate with a passion every guy that walks in checks me out and treats me like im a stupid bimbo, which i dont really think of myself like that, and i dont think anyone who knows me does either. so anyways thats a quick little get to know me whatever i dunno but yea im kinda bored now, so thats it respond or comment or whatever as you like. im out.

Posted by ab7/lizard0 at 3:12 PM CDT
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