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Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs Guam
Web survey created and uploaded by: Newton Nagata. If you have any questions, please email to

NOTE: This survey WILL NOT ask you for your email address; therefore, emails (such as spam) will not be sent to you. You must also be 21 years of age or above in order for you to take this survey.

The University of Guam Marine Lab is conducting a survey with local residents about the importance of Guam's coral reefs. We would like to know your personal opinions about the cultural/traditional, recreational, and fisheries values of coral reefs for local people.

This survey will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes of your time. Your participation will help to ensure that the opinions of people like yourself are understood and considered when making important decisions about how to manage Guam's coral reefs for the benefit for everyone. The project is federally funded and administered by the University of Guam Marine Lab.

I. Fish Diet

  1. How often does your family eat fish/seafood? We eat fish seafood...
    Every Day
    Every 2 Days
    Twice a week
    Once a week
    Every 2 weeks
    Once a month
    Once in 2 months
  2. Please indicate the main sources of the fish/seafood you consume (must add up to 100%).
    1. Fish caught by myself or someone in my immediate family.
    2. Fish caught by an extended family member (e.g. uncle) or friend.
    3. Purchase it from the road side.
    4. Purchase it from a flea market.
    5. Purchase it from a store/restaurant.
    6. Other, specify:
  3. In general, where does the fish/seafood you consume come from? (must add up to 100%)
    1. Reef fish and other species from inside Guam's reef.
    2. Fish caught outside Guam's reefs (e.g. deep water, pelagic).
    3. Imported fish/seafood from the mainland (e.g. canned from U.S.)
    4. Imported fish/seafood from other Pacific islands (e.g. Chuuk).
  4. Did your family's fish/seafood diet change over the last 10 years?
    Eat much less fish.
    Eat somewhat less fish.
    No Change (skip to Question 6)
    Eat somewhat more fish.
    Eat much more fish.
    Don't know.
  5. Can you indicate the 1st most, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most important reason why your family's diet of fish/seafood has changed?
    1st Most Important:     If other, please specify:
    2nd Most Important:    If other, please specify:
    3rd Most Important:     If other, please specify:
    4th Most Important:     If other, please specify:

II. Recreation

  1. Please indicate who in your immediate family above 8 years of age can swim. (Check all that apply)

    All children
    Some children
    No children
  2. How often does anyone in your household participate in each of the following activities?
    Beach Picnic / BBQ
    Kayaking / Paddling
    Jet Skiing
    Scuba Diving
    Body boarding / Surfing
    Windsurfing / Kite boarding
  3. For your household, what are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most important conditions for recreation? What do you look for?
    1st most important:        If other, please specify:
    2nd most important:       If other, please specify:
    3rd most important:        If other, please specify:
    4th most important:        If other, please specify:

III. Environment Awareness

  1. In your opinion, how has the quality of the following components of the marine environment in Guam changed during your lifetime:
    Live coral abundance
    Fish abundance
    Fish size
    Fish species diversity
    Algae growth
    Sedimentation (soil erosion into the sea)
    Water Pollution

    If you answered 'Remained Stable' or 'Don't Know' for all features in Question 1, skip to Question 3.
