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Joe Bocchino for The Randolph Township Board of Education Homepage
  Joe Bocchino For The Randolph Township Board of Education.
  Your Neighbor, Your Voice.

      About Joe
      Contact Joe



Welcome to the official Joe Bocchino for The Randolph Board of Education website!


This site was designed for you, the voter, to get a better understanding on the views and ideas that Joe Bocchino has. The website is easily categorized for your own personal interests. Whether it's contacting Joe, going to an event to hear Joe speak, or just to read his views, this website has you set!


During the course of March and April, Joe will be at numerous functions around Randolph Township presenting his ideas and views to the public. He encourages you to come to one of these events to better understand the issues at hand. After all, communication is the best tool!  


Joe wants to personally thank all that has been supportive in his campaign. Without your dedication and support, this campaign would have not been possible. Together we worked to get our voice out, and our voice will be heard in the polls on April 20th!


Paid for by Joe Bocchino
Your Neighbor, Your Voice
