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Welcome to the new 'Less Insane Than Some'! You've probably noticed a lot of changes, this is because the old site, was shit, not only that but the provider was crap as well, so hopefully you'll like this site, a lot more than the last one anyway cause we all know how crap THAT was!

The Guys

This is just a brief introduction to us, you can find full bio's on us at 'The Guys' page, funnily enough! Basically, we're idiots, who like to break things, in sometimes ridiculous ways, and film it, there are actually about 5 videos now I think, not sure of the exact figure because frankly I can't be bothered to count and a tour of James' house which may be available depending on whether he wants it to be or not, find out when he's back from holiday and then this sentence will disappear from existence. Anyway, here are us, the guys...

And yes, i know the picture is crap, I was just messing about in PSP ^_^