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John R. Slosson



To obtain gain acceptance to a top ranking law school




2003–present             Office of Judicial Affairs                        Harrisonburg, VA

Student Judicial Coordinator

n     Served as a university administrative hearing officer.

n     Ruled on more than 100 cases.

n     Duties include selecting members of the University Judicial Council.




2003–present             University Hearing Board                     Harrisonburg, VA

Board Member

n     Duties include ruling on cases involving university faculty members for violations of alleged sexual harassment.




2003–present             Student Government Association         Harrisonburg, VA


n     Member of the Finance Committee

n     Member of the Front-End Budgeting Reform Committee

n     Drafted a bill in support of student entrepreneurship to represent the concerns of constituents wishing to run an on-line bookstore.




2002-present             James Madison University                   Harrisonburg, VA

n     Advisory Board Member to the Center for International and Multicultural Student Services

n     Statistician for WINA Radio. Duties included providing statistics for radio broadcasts of regional high school football games as a service to the community

n     Special Olympics Volunteering Committee Chair for the National Society of Collegiate Scholars




2002–present             James Madison University                   Harrisonburg, VA

n     B.A., English

n     Writing and Rhetoric Minor

n     3.85 GPA.




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This site was last updated 12/08/03