Survey #1

have a bf/gf (if so.. and name): nopes
have a crush (if so.. and name): Yes but not gonna mention the name -___-
believe in love: yup
believe in love at first sight: yup
believe in God: of course I do.
believe in Santa Claus: nope. I believe in presents ^_^.
procrastinate: procrastinators are coOoOoL.
have a job: nope.
like reality tv: i guess.
drive: in me driveway =b
drink: of course or i'd die... kinda seems like a good idea.
smoke: no but I like the smell... too much Hawaiian Brains.
want to kill somebody: Not at the moment.
like incense: Nopes.
believe in forgiveness: yup
wish you done something you hadn’t: yes. We all have regrets in life.
wish you hadn’t done something you had: Not really...

last word you said: What?
last song you sang: Nothing. Cuz I don't sing.
last thing you laughed at: myself.
last time you ate: 5 minutes ago.
last time you took a shower: an hour ago.
last time you said "I love you": yester... year ^_^.
last time you cried: I guess maybe last night.
last time you went on a vacation: Last Summer.
last time you were in a relationship: recently I guess.
last fling: ?
last time you had sex: never had any.
last person you talked to on the phone: Car.
last person you talked to online: Cory.
last person you seen: Dad.
last time you did something productive: Never.
last thing you bought: Food.

current annoyance: a current annoyance.
current longing: to finish this utterly long survey up... even though its only half.
current song in your head: This Ride - The Starting Line
current cd in your player: Sugarcult
current worry: I don't want to talk about it.
current fave article of clothing: blah.
mood: despressed I guess... =b wish I could do something that would help me in life.
time: 8:53
look: duh.
bf/gf/fling: dunno.
current need: dessert.
current craving: nothing.
current want: I don't know.
current thought: ha.
current fave artist: Sugarcult.
current desktop theme/background: Gundam Seed

have you told someone you loved them in the past 24 hours: maybe not.
what do you think of this survey: its ownage...
if you could meet anyone, who would it be: idk.
if you could be with anyone in the world, who would it be: ^_^... Can't tell.
if you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for: fulfilling my life on earth so I can leave.
3 people you can’t live without: God, Family, Friends.
3 things you can’t live without: Me Bible, Me Xbox, and... ur idk.
3 things you would have with you stranded on an island: Electricity
what do you look for in a guy: this is a weird question is it not?
best thing that a guy/girl could do for you: be loving.
what are you doing today/tonight: filling out the survey
who do you think will do this survey: Davin maybe and Landis
what time you finished this survey: 8:58.
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