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Hey what's up people this is Hector, yeah I know that my url (or internet address, for those who are not computer geeks) would have you believe that my name is latinlove19, but hey what can I say - on the Internet no one is who they say they are - just aliases. (Is that the proper plural form for alias? Ah who cares)

Any way this site is till under construction and so I haven’t got too much stuff on it yet and so it pretty much looks like crap at this point so bare with me. Bellow I have included a picture of myself plus some thumbnails if anyone is interested in who created the aforementioned crap!

Alright before I go anyfurther you may be asking yourself "why the hell did this guy pick red as a background for his web site?" Well let me tell you red is absalutly the best color that exists, red rules there is no other color better them red I mean seriously if there is anyone who disagrees I dare you to tell me that the pictures below don't look good in red!


world vison polar bear dip photos

One day this number will exceed Pamala Anderson's page counter
(oh well a man can hope can't he?)