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i love ssd.

There really isn't any point to all this.... it started out as an "I LOVE BEN!" site... but then I felt like putting them all on here. So, this is a Submarine Screendoor ( which is a band... if you don't know... ) super duper neat fan site filled with my honest, pyschotic, obsessive fan opinions, made by me, Abbi.

Go to the official site if you haven't already, it's pretty cool.

March 7th: Well well, it's March, holy crap. I'm such a lazy piece of poo. I feel the need to whine at Jbob about not updating the site, but then I would be a hypocrite for not changing a letter in like, 3 months or something. So, yes, I'm dumb. I'm dating Ben (still). I sit with these psychos at lunch, I am soooo much cooler than you.

June 2, 04- fully intending to update sometime soon, not like it matters though haha. I'm adding a prom page too, so everybody can look at my prettiful promy pictures. That's still in the works though. And yes, I'm going to update all my blurps about the boys, now that I've spent a couple months of my life around their strangeness. This will all come after finals, because I have to go study now.

Don't steal my pictures. MARCH : NEW RULE. If you take a picture, you have to leave me something in my guestbook. EAT IT, punk.

Anyways, here you all go... Look at my hott site.

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Ben's section
Dan's section
Justin's section
Mike's section


The Ben plays the bass for the Submarine with a Screendoor. I love the Ben. He has an odd obsession with Jeopardy. He killed his computer, which is pretty much equivalent to cutting off his own arm. (pout) Still doesn't have his license. Is very dumb, but very lovable.

Ben has the cutest disturbed look when he plays. Aw, just look at it.
Ben, attempting to smash his bass.
Ben: You're a loser. Me: But you're a bigger loser, because... you're bigger." Ben: "I might be bigger size wise, but loser wise, you definitely have me beat."



Welcome to Dan "The Supreme All-Being Of Space, Time, and Dimension" 's section. He's abnormal, and has fluffy hair. Still doesn't have his license, but neither do I, because I suck, so... yeah. Everything is still always Dan's fault. He's going away to Penn State, so he'll be replaced by Nasuti. So, ha.

"Nooo! Take the pictures of Nasuti off, at least until I go away to college!" -Dan



This will be Justin's section. Woot! Justin plays guitar, he sings, and Mike slapped him with a cheese stick. He's a funny guy. I think he got his license, so mad props to Justin, woot! My girl buddies are still drooling over him.

Justin's Mom: "I wish you wouldn't use so many f words in your songs." Justin: "I wish I had a pony."



Mike is king of SSD. He sings, plays guitar, and owns the rest of them. He's massively perverse. If there's anybody who can eat well while listening to whatever comes out of Mike's mouth, more power to them. Here's a funny quote! Me: You're kinda stupid. Mike: Well put.

Mike's most probable claim to fame: "Mbbbbbike", and/or Duanecore.


Well thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed my site, and that it didn't look too retarded to you. I'm not an expert at this, and I only spent probably... 6 or 7 hours on it total, haha. For your information, I used a Canon ZR45 camera to tape everything, then iMovie to take freeze frames out, then iPhoto to crop and resize them. If you think this site sucks, now you know why.
I would like to say thanks to Geoff R. for helping me out with some tips and html code things, go check out his site, which is way cooler than mine:
Soldat's Agent

Here's some stuff I didn't feel like taking off here (I've had this site for a while...) because it took me about 3 weeks to get each of these on here, and I had another one but it just sort of disappeared.... so look at the pretty Legolas pictures. Woot Lord of the Rings!

days till license

days till RoTK