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::The scene opens up with a lot of noises going around. A ambulance passes through the view of the camera quickly with its sirens blaring. You can hear people yelling and cars honking their horns and then the camera zooms in onto a sign that reads No Parking Any Time. You then see around the corner of a brick building where a truck is stopped. The back is opened up and you hear a man yelling::

Nunzio: Hey, Alright hurry up, hurry up...Im freezin' my gonias off over here

::You can see closer in the backround as two men wearing all black with stylish black hats on coming out from the back of the truck. One is shorter than the other but looks to be stronger as they step down you can see the boxes have pictures of Televisions on them. The taller man who is Chuck Palumbo lifts the trunk of their black car open and places the box in it. Nunzio is standing to the side muttering to himself. He has a styrofome cup in one hand and with his other pulls the collar of his leather jacket up::

Nunzio: This is cold, this is ridiculous

::He looks and sees Chuck leanign forward using all of his strength to try and jam the trunk shut. The door keeps springing back but Palumbo keeps trying to shut it::

Nunzio: Whoah...Oh Oh Oh, easy easy. Thats stuff is fragile bakala!

::Stamboli who is leaning against the truck turns and stares at Nunzio while Palumbo slams the trunk finally and looks to Stamboli and then to Nunzio. He shrugs his arms out showing that he really didnt care if it was fragile.::

Nunzio:Whats wrong with you

::Nunzio goes walking around to the right side of the car as Palumob begins to walk to the drivers side with Stamboli behind him. Stamboli begins to speak to Palumbo::

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli : Ya, he thinks his girlfriends tryin' to get through the front door

::Chuck Palumbo turns around and takes off his sunglasses and gives Johnny a smug look. He looks at him like he is a complete idiot. He then points at Johnny and waves his finger in the air and pokes him in the shoulder as he speaks he taps the side of his head motioning that Stamboli is stupid::

Palumbo: Ya, you forget I see some of the broads you bring home stupid

::Chuck then turns and leans down to unlock the door as Johnny takes a step forward::

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli : Oh ya, well....

::You then see the other side of the car while Nunzio begins to waves his hands and yell at the other two. He cuts Johnny off.::

Nunzio: Alright, take it easy will you!? Stupid.

::He then shakes his hand and waves it up and looks at the sky::

Nunzio: What did I do to deserve these two guys

::He then turns quickly and gets a grimace on his face. He throws his styrofome cup at something or someone as the liquid in it pours out. It hits a man who is sitting against the wall with duc tape over his mouth.::

Nunzio: Here you go jack ass! You can have your truck back now. And next time, look out where your could be a scary neighborhood

::A FBI logo pops up on the screen as the video behind it is in slowmotion. You can see the trio walking down a street though behind the flag logo. A text pops up and it reads FBI will be at Meltdown::