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shouts: LaydeEz

shouts: feLLaz

shouts: coupLeZ

april. 28. 2OO3

aHhH! FINALLy im dOne with this!
this is me...

.name. alyssa ann

.nick name. lyssa, ice, haLo-haLo, etc.

.birthday. march. 18. 199O

.natiOnality. pnaii fashO!

.bOo statuz. singLe and jOcken! oHh yes!

.lOcashun. 4O8.. san jO yOo knO!

.schOol. ranchO!

.likes. boys. pink. phone. AIM. wha eLse?

.hates. shit taLkers, hOes, bitches, etc..

.hObbies. taLken on the phOne, chatting Online, kicKen it with friends.. etc...

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