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~Welcome to Digital Dreams, a blog made by Akane and Tina from Akane's Studio and Cotton Candy!~
Remember to visit our sites! Well, there's not much to say. It's a blog, sign our guestbook and that's about it! No bad comments! This blog opened on March 4, 2002! =)

July 27th, 2002

I haven't blogged here in so long!! I just found out I have to move Cotton Candy again, last time it was from Angelfire and it took half my summer, and I have to move this site and Anime Time! Sigh. There goes my summer. Akane, do you still want to make a custom blinkie shoppe? I was thinking maybe we could make a wallpaper place here too so there's more content. Wow July's almost over. *cries* School is soon. NOOOO!

July 6th, 2002

Hey I graduated. tomorrow is my birthday! Added cliques section!

July6th, 2002


June 22th, 2002

A grad trip sounds so cool!! I can't believe it's July already! All summer I've been just hanging out with my friends and doing math, chinese, piano nad also practicing my flute!! Phew! Well I'm gonna get hosted at!! Yay!

June 14th, 2002

Hey I am going shopping this weekend and my trip is next thursday! thanks akane! lol! lol!!!!!!!!!! i hate going first for presentations. hehe i get nervous.


Hi!! I just went to ur collective!! I luv the layout!! :) I have to go to the library today to get that book "The Dark Tower". I gotta do that book for my book talk! I feel sooo sorry 4 my friend Shaileen cuz she's probably gonna have to go first... Amanda said she would go first but the last time she said that, she completely forgot all of her things so the 2nd person had to go first! And my friend's on 2nd!! And I have to go and buy a cereal box just for our LA project!!! Can u believe that??

June 7, 2002

I got a new site! It's my collective Moon Cake! Visit it! It's supposed to open tomorrow but oh well.

May 18th, 2002

Hey I went shopping today and went to the library it was cool. I got a brand new review site! hehe! COOL! Well that project is pretty long Akane! Hand in panels every week? wow! lol g2g bye

May 14th, 2002

We had track and field practice this afternoon! It wasn't reali fun but at least we got to miss library class! (Which is abosolutely boring!!!!) I'm gonna make sum free buttons. (I guess ppl who ordered blinkies would probably have to wait until the weekends becuz I'm just not up to it right now.) I have 1 page in math and this lil booklet to finish. And I also have a science project to do. Also, I have to finish my economy pannel on Friday. Next week is going to be REALLY busy for me so I dun think I can update a lot other then Monday and Tuesday (long weekend!!!) cuz on Wednesday, I have to go to this high skool for a tour, during Wednesday-Friday, we have "hotseat" filming and science project presentation. And on that week, the last two pannels for our socials project are due at once!! So which means I should start working on the economy pannel right now!!!

May 11th, 2002

Wow haven't blogged here in awhile. Hehe. Well I changed my guestbook colours and graphics (I made a nice Mandy Moore graphic when I was hurrying) and stuff. hehe! SO GO VISIT! lol. I am so tired. I want to make a collective. hehe. too much work tho. lol. well 1 exam done yesterday some more to go and some contests. g2g bye

May 5th, 2002

I'm glad u like the layout:) lolz I shoud start blogging here more! Hehe! Pizzas 4 lunch! :) Good luck on ur exams! (I'm sure u'll do reali good!) Well we went to watch the Vancouver marathon today. Ok, so it was cloudy, then it started raining, then it was like ice cuming down, and now it's sunny! lolz! What's up with the weather?? class and team photos are tommorow!

May 5th, 2002

Hey! I love the new layout Akane! It's so pretty! I went shopping today it was fun! Gotta go study for my exams too!

May 4th, 2002

Yay!!! New layout! Phew! I worked for like 1 hour on that Birtney Spears graphic! I also added a past layouts and an archives page! Hehe! I played badmington today! It was pretty fun! Ok, I'm gonna go and study my Chinese stuff so bye!

May 3rd, 2002

Aiya!! I haven't bloggged 4 sooo long! I'll work on a new layout right now...Maybe Mandy Moore or like a celebrity. Hehe! I'm SO happy u got hosted Tina!! Hope everything's going great! :):) Do u wanna make a past layout page? I'll save this layout screen image thing if u want! And I think we should create a archieves page too!


May 3, 2002

Hey everyone. Akane... u haven't blogged in awhile! lol i think we should change the layout! My new hosted site url is here! bye

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

April 18 2002

Yo I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been busy with school and my other sites. Akane, do u think we should start advertising this site? Like no one comes here. Lol. Yeah I think we should. And maybe get more bloggers? lol. Or maybe we can also add a part called digital dreams reviews! hmm.. dunno. bye!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

April 6 2002

Hey hey. I haven't blogged here in such a long time! lol! Anyways I am bored. I have so much homework! Argh. Congratz Akane! Hehe. No more angelfire for you! lol. Well g2g k see ya

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 28 2002

Hey Akane?? Where are you? lol. Wuzzzup everyone? i just updated my site, there wuz a dance, bunny bingo and etc. bubbiez

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 24, 2002

Yo! I might be going to a dance on Thursday. Lol. Then it's Good Friday! Yay! Buh bye! Visit my webpage! Just got updated!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 22, 2002

This is my first day bloggin here after March break ended. Anyways I had a cool and hyper day. lol. There's a spring dance next thursday. Erm nothing much just updated my site go there now!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 20, 2002

I'm back from grocery shopping with my mom! Do I ever hate it!! Anyways, I got a new layout for my site!! Yay!! Also made SOO much more updates! Lolz! I haven't updated this blog for a long time! hehe! I'm gonna go and check my E-mail now...


March 16, 2002

I haven't been online last week so I have SOOO much E-mail to read!!! But it spring break now!! (too bad it's only for a week!) We're starting guitar now in music class. (I'm lucky cuz I have a guitar at home wo I can practice!) Oh, and I have have no hwk for spring break!! I'm gonna go shopping i the afternoon...I'm kinda hungry now. I think I'll just eat sum cup noodles or sumthing! lolz!


March 14, 2002

Arrggghhhhhhhhhh I don't want March Break to end damnit! Well nothing to blog about. I'm going shoppin. Bubbiez

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 13, 2002

Hi! =) Check out my site! I just updated. Hmm... should I start my own clique (I got a great idea) and collective (to keep track of all my sites)? I don't know. Anyways, today was an okay day for me except for that stupid loser I met who got me angry. My friend was telling me to "settle down" later on. Lol. =P I fell asleep a lot and walked around a lot so I'm tired. *yawns* Anyways one of my friends in my class has a website with pictures of people from my school and some from another school. Kool huh? Well I enjoyed today except for some aimless facts. March Break is almost over. Nooooo! I always feel like I wasted every holiday. Anyways, I won't be bloggin as much starting Monday. Switching between a lot of sites makes me stressed and I want to do well in term 3 because of... reasons. Anyways, I g2g see ya! and sign the guestbook!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 12, 2002

Hey. Lol. Next Monday March Break Ends. Sighhh. I won't be able to update and blog in my sites everyday. Lol. I doubt anyone read these blogs anyways. Well g2g see ya

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 11, 2002

Hey! Love is only a state of mind. True or not? I don't know. I'm listening to A1's Caught In the Middle. It's pretty good. Catchy. LOL. Well anyways I don't know why but everyone wants to know my webpage url at school. Weird. I only gave it to two people. Heehee. Ok Now I'm listening to Blue's If you come back. I <3 that song. Yes I like pop, hip hop and r&b music. Some rap. Depends I guess. Anyways. I watched a show yesterday and it was SO funny. This time I won't disguise... Lol. Well i g2g! I'm going shopping with my friends tomorrow! Yay. =) SEE YA!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 10, 2002

Hey hey! I got PSP yesterday and I was experimenting around with it but it confused me with paintbrushes cuz I couldn't change the paintbrushes that I downloaded to another colour and so it made my picture look messy and ugly! Well I added a little link up there. ^^^ You can click there and add Digital Dreams to your favourites! heehee. It works now! I've been chatting all day. I got my hair cut. It looks cool. I'm going shopping tomorrow with my friends. Heehee. =) Well I'm bored. My clique has OPENED! heehee! It's for lovers of anime. So JOIN IT! and remember to sign my guestbookie at my site, ~Cotton Candy! =) SMILES. Oh and Akane. never mind i can get into your site now. =) LOVE THE LAYOU! SEE YA!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 9, 2002

Hey hey! =) My review site has opened and I updated my personal site! go me! =) I went shopping yesterday and bought some cool stuff. I am going shopping with my best friend on Tuesday. I am getting PSP really soon. I can't wait! I can make cool graphics and use brushes now! LOL! Well I don't get report cards until next month but I already know what I got. Nothing bad. I didn't fail. GOOD. If i failed, then I would freak. Ya know. Anyways, I'm done bloggin, seeya

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 9, 2002

I got my reportcard yesterday! I got a pretty good mark! We had our math test on Thursday and it was sooo easy! Now we're starting ratios and stuff for math... We learned it last year already so I dun reali see the point...Oh well...maybe it's gonna be harder or sumthing! I'm gonna go shopping lata but I have to wait until my mom and dad cums back from playing ping-pong. I just played yesterday night so I'm too tired to play again. And I kept on dribbling the basketball in gym yesterday so my arm's still sore!! lolz! At least we're not doing hockey anymore!


March 8, 2002

Hi... I'm bored and sad and confused. Everything is so stupid! Damnit!!! =P I really hope nothing bad happens! I want good luck, good fortune, happy days, happy nights, long life, good health and all those good things! =) Blog later. Bye

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 7, 2002

Hey hey! =) Thanks! I just spent like forever on my site! I spent forever chatting to my friends too! I better get off of the computer soon... I added TONS of kao anis on my site! There's like over 660! I think it's currently at 669! Not to mention other stuff! Heehee... Well I picked China and Japan for my previous research projects because I love China! It's pretty and interesting! =) At school, everyone seems to have a website and one of my friends wanted to find out where mine was but i'm like no way! But, most of their sites are at expage before I suggested angelfire. Yupperz. I'm listenin to BSB's Back To My Heart. I <3 all of BSB's music! Go bsb! Hmm... Well it's March Break! great, I felt like I wasted my first day on the computer! I don't even get guestbook entries at my site anymore! SIGN IT! =P LOL. So... what's up with the world? Today was such a fun day. During french, we were talking, listening to our music and making paper airplanes. We watched a movie and then my friend threw an airplane at my friend's head and it hit her! It was hilarious! Oh well I gotta go, see ya!! =)

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 6, 2002

Yay!! Congrats to Cotton Candy! I'm soo glad u got perfect on ur geography test! Our math test was canceled today but we have to have it tommorow! (Instead we played this trivia thingy in math...u won't believe how boring that crappy game is!!) Ok, I knmo I shouldn't say this but yeah... For socials, we have to write a paragraph about this landform of a contry. (I picked Australia) and so much other ppl did too! lolz! We also have to draw a map of it w/ it! It's due next Wed so I'm not that worried about it. (We happen to have a French vocab test on that day too!TOO MUCH TESTS GOING ON HERE!!) I'm just gonna go and visit sum other ppl'z sites!


March 5, 2002

Hey hey! =) I had a geography test today and I got perfect! yeah! =P It was really easy though! Anyways, today was a stupid and weird day for me. I got pissed off a lot. Especially at HIM. Urghhh! He's so mean and we used to be friends before we started yelling at each other last summer. LOL. He used to be really nice to me but now... I don't even know why I am typing about that jerk! Changing the subject... oh I have a music test tomorrow. ^-^ I'm playing a different instrument for it though! So KOOL! <3 music forever! I really don't want BSB to break up. They've been one of my fave boybands since well a long time! Hmm... March Break is coming up! Yayie! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TESTS AKANE! hmm... well what else to type about? oh I want a new layout at my site! I haven't decided whether I will use a real person or anime picture. hmmm... I think I will use anime or something. Haven't had an anime layout is a long time. I like Version 9 Love, featuring Shane West from A Walk to Remember. SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! I haven't had entries in my new one for like... ever! Bravenet is closed temporarily so I had to make a backup one. I got tons of kao anis on my site that I will post up during the march break. Well I gotta go SEE YA!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled

March 5, 2002

My first entry in this blog! hehe! We're gonna have a math test on motion geometry tommorow so I gotta look back in to my book. (It's reali easy but sumtimes I get confused with the rotation thingys!) Anyways, we started doing html in computer class!! But it's SOOOO boring cuz we're starting out with the basics (Of course!) and also our computer teacher makes it kinda boring to:( Ok, I'm gonna update my site now cuz I just made a new layout! Bubiz~!!


March 4, 2002

Lalalalala! This is the first entry here! Hi! sup? =) I totally love the name of this blog! DIGITAL DREAMS! heehee! Well I'm Cotton Candy! Yupperz! This group blog just opened. Akane and I made it. So remember to sign our guestbook and visit our own sites! Hmm... what else? Nothing really. My site is here! Akane's site is here Arghhh I'm tired and I have so much work to do. I can't work the FTP thing for some reason. Too confusing. LOL. =P Oh well... I'm listening to a cool song. It rocks. =) Well that's all I gotta say. See ya!

~Cotton Candy Scribbled






What do u want?



CREDITS for the Britney Spears graphic!