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Njohnson4000: hey
LiL A rOd BaBy13: heeyy!
Njohnson4000: wats up?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: nothin really!! you?!
Njohnson4000: lol im suppose to have baseball practice
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol..i bet you wont!
Njohnson4000: idk, our coach is pretty weird
LiL A rOd BaBy13: are you joking me?! there's gonna be like a freakin tornado!
Njohnson4000: lol i still have basketball...:-\
LiL A rOd BaBy13: you little spports over acheiver!
Njohnson4000: lol you little cheer over acheiver
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hahaha!
Njohnson4000: i dont like eit tho ll
Njohnson4000: *it lol
LiL A rOd BaBy13: then why do you do it!? lol
Njohnson4000: well its the only level that can handle THIS
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol what does that meaaan?
Njohnson4000: lol this baseball league is the only one thats any hard
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol!!
LiL A rOd BaBy13: know i have my blonde side n all
Njohnson4000: lol
LiL A rOd BaBy13: im predicting a tornado
Njohnson4000: lol ITS THE END OF THE WORD =-O
LiL A rOd BaBy13: thats what i was thinkin!!
LiL A rOd BaBy13: if i look out my window.. its likeeeee all dark!
Njohnson4000: lol same!
Njohnson4000: my window i can barely see out of, it has all this rain on it
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol it isnt raining at mine yet
LiL A rOd BaBy13: i bet in like 5 minutes it does!!
Njohnson4000: lol
LiL A rOd BaBy13: my moms like getting flashlightss out!!?
Njohnson4000: wweeiirdd
LiL A rOd BaBy13: and my brothers are moving their ps2 to the basement?? kinda whacko
LiL A rOd BaBy13: omg its raining here now
Njohnson4000: lol its POURING here
LiL A rOd BaBy13: ouch i hit my knee..samme now
Njohnson4000: lol that stinkz
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hahahhaha connors shoe had dog hair in it today
Njohnson4000: lol eeww
Njohnson4000: so...what r u doing this weekede
Njohnson4000: end
LiL A rOd BaBy13: nothin really!!...cheerleading on sunday!! you??
Njohnson4000: this basketbal tournament
LiL A rOd BaBy13: wut league is it foor?
Njohnson4000: its a cbc league
LiL A rOd BaBy13: my little brother is having his birthday party there
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol!
Njohnson4000: lol that seems fun
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol for him
LiL A rOd BaBy13: ... i hate little 2nd grade boys
Njohnson4000: lol i hate lil 3rd graders
LiL A rOd BaBy13: no..i babysat this kid.. whos my moms best friends son..and he pushes me on this bed and goes "get down get dirty get hot??" i was like omg what the heck !!? and i like jumped off and ran away
Njohnson4000: lol a 3d grader?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: 2nd
Njohnson4000: *2nd lol thats weird
LiL A rOd BaBy13: oh it was
Njohnson4000: you should yelled "RAPE!!"
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol!!
LiL A rOd BaBy13: my little brothers other friend is like violent i was calling him beaver cuz he reminded me the kid from leave it to beaver ..and he started to like punch and kkickme
LiL A rOd BaBy13: .. im deffinetly gonna be struck by lightening anytime now
Njohnson4000: lol
Njohnson4000: IM going to be struck
LiL A rOd BaBy13: nooo i think i am!
Njohnson4000: lol whos taller?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: you are?8-)
Njohnson4000: yah :-\
LiL A rOd BaBy13: no im startin to think i am..
LiL A rOd BaBy13: i dont think you can beat my 5 feet record
Njohnson4000: =-O
Njohnson4000: lol
Njohnson4000: so...still confused?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: a little
LiL A rOd BaBy13: !!:-P
Njohnson4000: lol kk :-D
Njohnson4000: whats not confsuing anymore
LiL A rOd BaBy13: umm drews ruled out of the picture now...nn im thinkin i like this one kid
Njohnson4000: whos this one kid?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: you may have seen him around...hes pretty tall i think
Njohnson4000: :-D
Njohnson4000: ive been liking this one person too
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hhmmm really?
Njohnson4000: yah...shes a really good cheerleader!
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hahah is she really?? did she make the teamm?
Njohnson4000: yupp
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hmm i think i may know who she is
Njohnson4000: )
Njohnson4000: ;-)
Njohnson4000: :-D
LiL A rOd BaBy13: ;-):-D
Njohnson4000: brb
LiL A rOd BaBy13: kk!
Njohnson4000: bak
LiL A rOd BaBy13: kk!
Njohnson4000: whats your phon number
LiL A rOd BaBy13: 5630166
Njohnson4000: kk
Njohnson4000: you didnt answer
LiL A rOd BaBy13: its charging
Njohnson4000: would you mind if i asked you the question online then?
Njohnson4000: *my question
LiL A rOd BaBy13: neillll..i really really like you..but if the question is what i think is.. i kinda just want to wait ..because i wanna take some time to get to know you betterr!!
Njohnson4000: k
LiL A rOd BaBy13: like honestly.. i like you a lot though
Njohnson4000: do you want to know?
Njohnson4000: lol kk :-
Njohnson4000: *:-D
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol iddk!! but i mean.. like we talk a lot online..but you n me dont really talk a lot at school!
Njohnson4000: lol well one thing is we dont have much classes, if we went out i'd talk plenty :-)
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol yeahh
Njohnson4000: i wish we did have more classes together though
LiL A rOd BaBy13: yeahh!!
LiL A rOd BaBy13: i dont think i have ANNY with you
Njohnson4000: lol i know we dont
LiL A rOd BaBy13: i have all my classes with sooo manyy people
Njohnson4000: im with all theses nerds :-\
LiL A rOd BaBy13: thats cuz youre the only cool kid in seminar!
Njohnson4000: lol
Njohnson4000: :-D
Njohnson4000: lol thats no. 1 thing on my to-do list
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol..what??
Njohnson4000: that you want me to talk toyou
LiL A rOd BaBy13: hahaha;-) okay!!:-D
Njohnson4000: out of the topic question, but what else were you confused about
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol idddddddk!!.. just evverrrything
Njohnson4000: lol
Njohnson4000: whats the great 8?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol we had this group last year of me janie kristina jordan n doug jonnie aaron n cody..and people were callin us the great 8
Njohnson4000: lol
Njohnson4000: who called you the great 8?
LiL A rOd BaBy13: lol like a bunch of people.. i cant remember exact ppll...but i know there were soomme. .n we were talkin bout it with cody the other day
Njohnson4000: lol thats kool
LiL A rOd BaBy13: brrrrb.. little brothers..>:o
Njohnson4000: kk
LiL A rOd BaBy13 is away at 5:44:47 PM.