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FINALLY! NO MLM, NO Affiliates, NO Startup Cost, NO Credit Card, NO Risk!

Don't work to make someone else rich when you can keep 100% of the profit for yourself.

Hi, my name is Richard Brewer. I am a regular person, just like you. I recently found myself unemployed and decided to research the internet for a way to start my own business. I was tired of working for other people, and not getting paid what I was worth. For years, I have sat back and watched in amazement as others have made fortunes on the internet. Meanwhile, I was stuck in the same old 'JOB' (Just Over Broke), earning the same old meager wage. It was definitely time for a change!!!

After months of searching, all I could find were affiliate programs, MLM sites and marketing 'gurus', all trying to take me for a ride. The time had come to stop making money for other people and start my own business.

With a little bit of imagination and a strong desire to succeed, I developed the perfect home business! I now work 2-3 hours per day, have no boss, and I am making 4-5 times what I was making at my old job. Imagine if I worked 6 hours a day!!!

The basics of this business are as follows:

1) You locate the unclaimed funds.

2) You contact the rightful owner (you never have to speak with the client).

3) You show the owner how to claim the funds.

4) The owner pays you 10%-25% just for providing them with this valuable information!

The amount of money you can pull in is incredible! See the example below!

One claim of $10,000 X Your fee of 15% = $1500.00 in YOUR pocket.

You can decide what percentage to charge based on the amount of the claim. If you only do one claim a day of $1000.00, you will clear $4500.00 per month. Of course you can do as many or few as you like each day.

I set this business up for myself with absolutely no money, you can too!

Now you can take advantage of my simple process. In my easy to read Money Making Guide, I have compiled all of the secrets of this new, free, 100% legal, home business. There are absolutely no start-up costs, very little overhead, and huge profits. I should also let you know that every time you do business with this system, you will also be helping others with cash flow problems. You will not only feel great about the money you will be making, but you will feel great about helping other people!

This is a steal at $39.95, but I am dropping the price! For a limited time only, you can  have this wealth of information for *only $14.77* !!! Remember, this offer expires at midnight on   SO ACT SOON !


As a special bonus, I will include the following at no charge!


Killer Internet Marketing Strategies. This incredible e-book by Shelley Lowery has forever changed the lives of countless people! Value $39.95


The Magic Story. This story was first told in Success Magazine back in 1900. It's simple principals still hold true today. This book will change everything you know about successful business. Value $29.95

All these great books are available to you at no cost just for checking out the Money Making Guide! What's even better is you get full resell rights to these e-books !!!

That's a $109.85 value for only *only $14.77* !!!

This great offer expires at midnight on   SO ACT SOON !!!



If you've read this far, you are probably saying to yourself "This sounds great !! Now what's the catch?". Well, there is no catch. Simply purchase the Money Making Guide using Paystone. Download the file, and you are on your way to wealth! Free 30 day support via e-mail is included!

You have 30 days to decide if this system is for you!

If, at any time within that period you decide five hundred dollars in five days is not enough for you....or you simply don't want my product any more....just let me know and you'll receive a complete, no-hassle refund of every cent you paid.

Success Is yours,

Richard Brewer
Money Making Guide






P.S. -- Please don't miss the deadline and sign up on or before midnight   to take advantage of this great price and your free bonus e-books

After all, you get to test it risk-free before you even decide to keep it!

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Calgary, AB
T2E 8E3