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Maries Web Site

.:.My WoRlD.:.

My LiNkIeS!

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~*A LITTLE ABOUT ME!*~ I have blonde hair and blue eyes!I'm five foot three. My bestest friends are Jessica and Dana. I think nerds are funny. I like to go places with them. Like on adventures. We all have alot of fun when we are with eachother. I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend! His name is Anthony Allis (Tony)! We have been going out for a year and a half it feels like forever but i like it that way!I Work at Marys Chicken. So i always smell like chiken after 9 pm lol!I have a little sister and a older sister and four older brothers. My little sister is disabled. She has an huge phobia against midgits!She has gotten therapy for it but nothing helps. All she has to say about it is,"every time i close my eyes all i can see is the nasty hair and short person stawking me!" I think she is seeing the girl from the ring!! MY POEM!*!*! I love my man o yes i do, He is for me and not for you, But if some how you take my place, I'll take my fist and smash your face