Come To Jesus

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If you have just entered this site you have recieved the most important invitation of your Life. Jesus Saves!!!! What I mean is you may not know but a life with out Jesus is not life at all. Jesus died on the cross for your sins for you he loves you and all you have to do is tell the lord that your now you are sorry. Now u might say for what reason do I ned to say sorry well........ the bible says "For all has sinned and come short of the glory of God" a in is anything that makes God unhappy thing of the last time you have cursed, or said or did something you should not have that is sin and u need to ask God to forgive you for that also you need to ask him to come into your life and ask him to change anything that is not like him. You can accept him any time any where but thet bible says the day you hear God's voice harden not your heart. Meaning today don't read this and not recieve him but pray and ask for forgiveness, for time is short and Jesus is coming back for all that ask for forgiveness. And if you do so I say to you go buy a bible if you don't own one but if not buy one and I advise you to go to church and continue to pray and talk to God he hears u. If you are looking for a church home and you can't find one come to Full Gospel Tab. located at 10 74 castleton ave. For those who did'nt make up your mind I say to you pray quickly please don't waste time for time is short and Jesus is soon to come. And remember Jesus Loves U!!!! John 3:16"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"